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Monthly Council Meeting
July 11th, 2017
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Robin Gillis- Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Michelle Perry- AdministratorRicky Myers- Councilor (Absent)
Joan Arsenault – Councilor (Absent)
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Chief Jason Woodbury was not available to give a report.
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Lines at the Rec Center. There was an issue at the Rec Center Canada Day and the line had to be snaked. It was suggested to replace the line with a 6″ line instead of the 4″ one that it is. John Gillis suggested that it be videoed to see what condition the line is in and since the Rec Center in not utilized the way it should be that there is not much sense in replacing the line unless there is some infrastructure money available in the future. 599 lady Slipper Dr N. There was an issue 2 weeks ago and the line needed to cleaned out ending up getting Kensington Septic to come out on a Sunday night for 2 hrs to clean it. John suggested that they get a Hi Mack in to clean out the bulrushes in the West Lagoon as well as the sludge first. He will talk to Preston about this one and also what is Monty responsibility as far as the Sewer, should he be cleaning floats and pulling pumps or is this Preston job. John will get clarification on this.
4.REC CENTER REPORTS: Robert was not here to give a report but he left some concerns. Flag pole he is looking to get a flag pole at the Rec Center. It was suggested that if the new monument goes in at the Fire hall there are looking for 3 new flag poles so if this happens the one that is at the fire hall will go to the Re Center. Oil tank at the rec Center should be inspected before they reside the shed over it.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: June 10th, – June 13th,
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the minutes of the June 10th, and June 13th, 2017 be approved as presented.
a) Skate Park: The new equipment will arrive on Monday July 17th, and the last meeting the committee was looking for a donation to have a grand reopening of the skate park for BBQ and prizes.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT a donation of up to $300.00 will be given for the Grand Reopening of the Skate Park. For the BBQ and the prizes.
b) Carbon Tax Letter: this was sent to the Premier and to MLA Sonny Gallant, we have received acknowledgment from MLA Sonny. Council will give it another month to hear back from the Premier.
c) Dinner for the Ladies doing the Funeral Luncheon. The ladies have received their meal they went to the Red Shores.
d) German Shepard’s on Kelly Dr: Pat was not able to be in contact with the homeowners he said that he will try again.
e) Fire Department Monument: The fire department have received some donations from business, Ivan will check with Jonathon Gallant to see if there is any funding available for the fire department to apply for. Council has decided to help them with this but they were unclear at this time how much they would donate.
f) History Book: The History book committee was wondering as to what amount they would need to pay back to the Community for generously donating the money to get the book published as they did not get their funding that they applied for.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT The History Book Committee will need to pay back $2391.00 which is half the amount as to what the Community gave to get the book published and only if they had the money to pay it back.
g) 32 Main Dr E: Broken sidewalks on Kelly Dr. The letter was sent out to the homeowner requesting that they hire a reputable contract out of the 3 that were listed in the letter to have the 3 sections of the sidewalks replaced due to the damage of the wood truck going over the sidewalk to deliver the wood to the homeowner property backing onto Kelly Dr. Since there was no response to the letter about having it fixed council decided to have another letter sent to the home owner advising that the Community will have the sidewalk fixed and bill the homeowner.
a) Fire Dept: nothing to report
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- 50 Kelly Dr new House build, and Wilfred St new garage
c) Sewer: 14 Past due accounts: Disconnect letters were delivered and 3 have paid in full and 3 have made a payment plan
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Pole 12681 was out will be reported.
e) Community Improvements: We have received ½ the amount from ACOA for the renovations upstairs.
f) Finance:
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $84,677.52 is approved.
a) By Laws: all council members present received the By laws to review and make note of any new ones that should be added.
b) Speeders on Wilfred Street: We have received a letter from 42 Wilfred St concerning the speeding on Wilfred St. Council has discussed this and have decided to ask the Staff Sergeant from the RCMP to come to the meeting in September to address some concerns that have been happing around the community. Michelle will get Bobby to check the sing to make sure it is visible.
c) Undersized lots: Question was brought up that if a house on an undersized lot is demolished can they build a new house on the lot or is there restrictions as to what they have to build on an original wall or the foundation. Michelle will send an email to see if she can get the answer to this question.
d) Miscouche Legion: Community has given the Miscouche Legion a donation of $500.00 to go towards a new AED machine. It has came up that the legion has not purchased the machine and council was going to ask for the donation back.
e) Council will be putting the float that they used in the Canada Day parade in the Summerside Lobster Carnival.
f) Iris Court: There has been complaints that there has been a lot of dirt on the road on Iris Court from the new build. Ivan will have a look.
11. NEXT MEETING: September 12th, 2017 no meeting in August
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT there be no monthly meeting in August 2017