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Regular Monthly Meeting
July 10, 2013
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant, Administrator
Absent: John Gillis – Councilor
– Sewer Catch Basin – Main Drive W. – On behalf of John Gillis, Judy advised that John Gillis had made arrangements to have Preston Silliker inspect the catch basis cover to see if it needed to be repaired and if so Preston will contact MacIsaac Backhoeing to make the necessary repairs.
– In the absence of the Fire Chief, Jason Woodbury, Judy advised Council that Jason had
received notice that their application for a Grant for the Jaws of Life equipment did not receive approval because of a lack of funds in the Grant program.
4. REC CENTRE REPORT – Rec Centre Manager Robert Gallant was not in attendance to
give a report.
Following amendment of a section of line 4 on page 3 of the June 12 meeting to read
“….it does not fall within our…”
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the minutes of the June 12, 2013 regular, and June 19, 2013 special
public meeting be approved as presented after amendment.
a) Maintenance Equipment
– Storage Building Tenders – The closing date is Monday July 15th
and some members of Council will meet at 4:30 on that date to review any tenders submitted.
– Maintenance Tractor – Registration – Ivan reported that Corcoran Farm Supply will be looking after having the tractor registered into the Community name at the motor vehicle registration office.
b) Rec Centre –
– Questionnaire – Mike is working on this project.
– Improvement Project -Grant Funding- Peter reported that there are no funds left in the
Island Community Fund and ACOA has reported that there is very little funds left in this program.
We could still send draft copies of the grant applications to Giselle Bernard for her review to see if they contain enough information in case we want to apply for funding at a later date should funding become available again.
– Kid Summer Program – This program will be starting at the Rec Centre Thursday, July
11th and will be held every Thursday during the summer.
c) Request for Rezoning of PID # 843086 on Main Drive E.
Judy advised that a letter had been sent advising him that Council has not approved his request to have this property rezoned from residential to Commercial for the purpose of establishing a gas and commercial store operation because this property does not meet with the current and future land use zoning in either our Subdivision and Control Bylaws or our Official Plan.
d) “Ed Laughlin Memorial Service Person of the Year” award – The notices for nominations
have been posted within the Community and will also be advertised in the Journal Pioneer. The deadline for submissions will be July 25th.
e) Three Oaks Bursary – The first Community sponsored Three Oaks Bursary was awarded to
Katie MacKay who will be attending the University of Quelph in the fall.
a) Fire Dept – Ivan reported that the firemen no longer want to use the old house on the
Church property as a “training house”. Ivan will advise the Church committee members about the firemen’s decision.
b) Recreation – Rec Centre
– “Residents Birthday Parties” – Mike asked Council to consider offering free rental space at the Rec Centre for any ‘residents of the Community’ who wish to use the Rec Centre for Birthday Parties.
– Martial Arts Class – Mike advised Council that he has received an inquiry about renting the Rec Centre for a martial arts class for a couple of hours one night a week. Following discussion
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT we charge a rental rate of $50.00 per night for a 3 hour maximum
use of the Rec Centre for a martial arts class.
– Advertisements for Rec Centre – Following discussion Council members felt that we should run two ads in the local paper concerning space available at the Rec Centre. The first ad should include notice of the regular weekly bingo and a note that we are accepting bookings for space rental. The second ad should be a call for “Expressions of Interest” for long term rental of the Rec Centre.
c) Planning Board – No new permits issued this period.
d) Sewer – Council members will do a review of all large overdue sewer accounts.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust –
– Fiscal Year End – Judy reported that all the financial records have been turned over to our Accountants for preparation of the annual financial statement.
– Donation to SIS Spartan – Trustees, Wayne Poirier, Albert Gallant and Peter Mallett have
approved a donation of $300.00 to the SIS Spartan Football Team’s trip to the Nationals.
f) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights – Wheelchair accessibility at Seniors Club Room
entrance work to be done after the new storage building is completed at the back of the firehall.
g) Community Improvements – Council members agreed to replace the dead tree at the
Church park with a new one.
h) Finance – Judy advised Council that under the new “HST” program the
Community (Municipalities) will still be getting a 100% rebate for the 5% Federal portion of the HST however Municipalities will not be getting any portion of the Province PST portion and some items previously exempt from PST will now be taxed at the full rate of 14%.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $53,977.16 is approved.
– Driveway Access Permits Requirement – Judy advised Council that the Dept of Transportation now requires all property owners to either apply for a driveway access permit regardless of whether or not the ditch is already filled in and whether or not they need a culvert.
11. NEXT MEETING – Wednesday, August 14th at 7:00 P.M.