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Regular Monthly Meeting
January 8, 2014
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
– 2014 Sewer Maintenance Agreement – Prince County Wastewater Management
Judy advised Council that Preston Silliker, of Prince County Wastewater Management had advised that he is willing to renew our sewer maintenance agreement with him for another year at the same rate and conditions as the previous agreement. Council agreed to renew the agreement on the same terms and Peter and Judy signed the Agreement on behalf of the Community. Judy will have Preston Silliker sign the Agreement as well.
– Sidewalk Snow Removal – Council was advised that due to the extreme amount of snow that has fallen and accumulating on the sidewalks over the past month some sections of the sidewalks can not be cleared so the decision was made to only clean that section of the sidewalk along Main Drive East between School Street and Lady Slipper Drive and that section of Lady Slipper Drive South from Main Drive to Kelly Drive and from Main Drive to the Church.
3. FIRE DEPT REPORT – No one from the Fire Dept was in attendance to give a report.
Peter reported:
– Year End: Our Rec Centre Manager, Robert Gallant, will be working on the year end totals to get ready for annual audit by our Accountants.
– Survey/Questionnaire – There have been several completed survey/questionnaires turned in and need to be reviewed. Some new individuals have also indicated on their surveys that they would be willing to work as volunteers.
– The floors at the Rec Centre have now been cleaned and waxed.
Mike reported:
– Youth Activities – Allison Griffin has indicated that she is still planning on setting up the go/play programs for the youth. She will be contacting Robert to set up the dates and times.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the minutes of the December 11, 2013 regular monthly meeting be
approved as presented.
a) Sewer Accounts – Payment Options – Council has been looking at alternative options for
our Sewer customers to pay their accounts. Ben reported that one option would be for the customer to pay on line or at a bank.. This system would require every sewer account to have it’s
own individual identification number and forms filled out. Peter reported that he has been looking into getting information on having a debit machine installed at the office. There are charges related to this type of paying option and Council has the option of limiting the type of payment to “debit” only since there could be higher additional charges to the Community for credit card payments. Peter will try to get more information on this option and report back to Council.
b) Unsightly Property – Est. Of A. DesRoches – Peter advised Council that Judy had
prepared a “draft” letter that could be sent by our Solicitor to the Estate of A. DesRoches c/o of the individual who is currently paying the property tax. Peter read over the draft letter which indicates that the Community of Miscouche Council has determined the property and structures to be unsafe and need to be torn down. The letter also asks what their intentions are concerning the demolition of the structures and also what steps any individuals intend to take to have the Estate matter settled. The letter also advised that if we do not have a response within sixty days the Community Council has the authority under our “Unsightly Property By-law” to issue a “Clean Up Order”. Council agreed to the content of the draft letter and Peter will set up a meeting with our Solicitor to arrange to have him send out a formal legal letter on our behalf.
c) Rec Centre Activities – Already discussed.
d) Sister Della Gaudet – Proposal for “2014″ Celebrations
Joan reported that she has spoken with both Sister Della and Father Albin. Father Albin
suggested that Sister Della could put on the presentation at the Rec Centre and he suggested
the afternoon of Sunday, May 4th. Estelle DesRoches and others are also working on doing up a book on the Community history. This could also be part of the afternoon activities on that date and the Community could have sandwiches and refreshments prepared for that day. Council agreed and Joan advised that she will look into trying to set this event up and report back to Council.
e) Furnace Oil Discount for Firemen – Peter advised that he has checked with our MLA to
see if the firemen could also get a discount through our current Provincial contract with Irving
Oil. Sonny Gallant advised that he has not yet been able to get a definite answer on this but he did not think that there would be any discount for the firemen.
a) Fire Dept
Ivan reported that the Firemen’s January monthly meeting has been postponed until
Monday January 13th.
b) Recreation
– Annual Meet Your Neighbor Night – Following discussion Council members agreed
that this should be held in February again this year at the Rec Centre. Mike will check to see if “Roscoe the Clown” would be available again this year to put on entertainment for the children. Council will have a short meeting again on Monday, January 13th at 6:00 P.M. to begin planning the event.
c) Planning Board – Nothing new to report.
d) Sewer – Council reviewed the list of existing outstanding accounts which totaled
$8,004.00 as of December 31st. Judy advised Council that an additional $761.00 has been paid on sewer accounts since January 1, 2014.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to report.
f) Firehall Mainatenance and St. Lights – Council was advised that the security bar frames
have now been made by the Three Oaks welding class and can be installed once they have been painted.
g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report.
h) Finance – Fiscal Year End
Judy advised that she is currently getting the financial records together for our Accountants so they can do up the Financial Statements. Judy also reminded Council that we will soon be preparing the 2014 proposed budget so they should give consideration about any special projects they may be proposing for 2014 so they can be included in the proposed budget.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $22,898.18 is approved.
– Towns – With the most recent application being made by O’Leary to have their status upgraded from Community to Town, Council was wondering whether or not there would be any additional benefits to this change in status and if we should be considering this move for our Community.
– Furnace Oil – Council was advised by Judy that there was a problem with the furnace at the firehall on Tuesday and she had contacted Gillis Heating to check out the problem. It was determined that despite being on automatic fill we had run out of furnace oil on Tuesday and Judy had to contact Irving Energy to refill our tank. John advised that there will be a bill for the service call made to check out the furnace and for bleeding the fuel lines and copies of this bill can be sent to Irving Energy for reimbursement since they neglected to fill our tank.
10. NEXT MEETINGS – Special meeting Monday January 13th at 6:00 P.M. to plan for
Meet Your Neighbor Night
– Next Regular Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.