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Regular Monthly Meeting
January 13, 2015
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor (at 7:45)
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief
– Sewer System
– Sewer Maintenance Agreement 2015 – Prince County Wastewater Management
The 2015 Sewer Maintenance Agreement with Prince County Wastewater Management, previously signed by Preston Silliker, was also signed by Council on the same terms and conditions as the 2014 Agreement.
– Kinsmen Road Lift Station – Council was advised that our technician, Preston Silliker
has ordered a basic repair kit for the Kinsmen Road sewer lift station so that Preston can do repairs should it require it.
– Kinsmen Road Lift Station – Upgrades to electric panel “cabinet”. Council to discuss again at a later meeting.
– Community Maintenance
– Sidewalk Snow Removal/salting – Members of Council met with Monty MacAusland
to discuss taking over operation of our maintenance tractor – sidewalk snow removal and salting. Monty MacAusland has agreed to carry out these duties on a trial basis and has agreed to a wage of $14.00 per hour plus 4% vacation pay.
– Maintenance Building – Heater – Council had agreed to install an electric heater in the maintenance building. This has now been installed.
– Use of Monty MacAusland’s Personal Equipment – Council is looking at what the liability issues would be if Monty used some of his own personal equipment while clearing snow from the sidewalks.
– Maintenance Building – Tools – Council has agreed to purchase some shop equipment (creeper and floor squeegee).
(Fire Chief Jason Woodbury came into the meeting at 7:35 P.M.)
3. FIRE DEPT REPORTS – Fire Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following reports.
– Jr. Firefighters Brigade – The firemen are considering going ahead with a Jr. Firefighter Brigade. They will be setting up a Jr. Brigade Policy, similar to the ones other fire departments have, which outline exactly what the Jr. Firefighter is allowed to do. Following discussion on age groups and liability, Jason agreed to contact Linda Dunning at Cooke Insurance to get further clarification of what our insurance carrier requires and what our liability would be.
– Tanker Replacement – Jason reported that work has begun on retrofitting the used 2004 tanker we purchased.
– 2015 Fire Dept Budget – Quick Rescue Vehicle – Jason advised that the firemen would like to purchase a used ½ truck that could be used as a “Quick Rescue” truck instead of taking out the larger rescue unit when the firemen have to go out on a medical response call. Since not all the firemen are qualified to drive the larger Rescue Truck, they would however be able to drive the ½ truck and it would also be less expensive to run then the larger Rescue Truck. The vehicle could also be used to transport any equipment needed at a fire scene.
Council thanked Jason for his reports and Jason then left the meeting.
– Tanker Replacement Retrofit Costs – Ivan reported that he had spoken with Kevin Simmons of Dunk River Industries concerning the two estimates given to retrofit the recently purchased used tanker truck. One dated June 30th and the second December 3rd. Kevin advised Ivan that because he could not see the actual truck that was being purchased, the first estimate was very general and the second estimate was given after he had had the opportunity to look at the actual truck that was in fact purchased and was to be retrofitted.
– Quick Rescue Vehicle – Council members will need to discuss issue further before making any final decision.
(Councilor Ricky Myers came into the meeting at 7:45 p.m.)
– Fire Dues Review – Following discussion Council members decided not to increase the current fire dues rates this year. Council will review the issue again next year.
– Renovations – Council was advised that we have now issued a second payment to GIA Limited for the renovation project. The second payment was in the amount of $61,625.00. There total bill was $147,978.00 and we have now paid $137,978.00. We held back $10,000.00 in case any work was not completed but expect to pay this amount shortly. We still have not received the final bills from RIK Electric and from the painters.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the December 9, 2014 meeting be approved as presented.
a) Unsightly Property
– Following discussion Council members agreed that a letter should be sent to the owner of properties located at 19 and 20 Wilfred Street, asking him to clean up the debris etc that is on both these properties.
b) Rec Centre Activities
– Seniors Exercise Program – Council was advised that we received an email from Katie Lidstone of the Western Region Sport and Recreation Council advising that they will begin their next Seniors Exercise program at the Rec Centre on Thursday’s at 9:30 a.m. starting this week.
– Chocolate Bar Bingo – Council was advised that our former summer student employee, Nicole Murphy, put on a Chocolate Bar Bingo at the Rec Centre over the recent holidays.
– Annual Meet Your Neighbor Night – Council members discussed holding another “Meet Your Neighbor – Miscouche Family Day” again this year at the Rec Centre, with a possible event
date of Saturday, February 14th. Councilors Ivan, Joan, Pat and Ricky agreed to work on this project and Peter agreed to speak with Robert Gallant to see if the Rec Centre would be available. Peter also agreed to speak with former Councilor Mike MacKinnon about events for the kids during the day. The evening will be for an adult dance.
c) Highway Issues – Kelly Drive Speedbumps
Council was advised that a letter was sent to Stephen Yeo, P.Eng. with Dept of Transportation asking for permission to install portable speedbumps on Kelly Drive to try and slow down speeding vehicles along this roadway. We have not yet had a response.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed.
b) Recreation
– Summer Students – Peter advised that he will be applying for Grants to hire summer students again this year to carry out programs for the youth of the Community.
– July 1st Celebrations – Council discussed holding some sort of Event in the Community for this years July 1st Celebration. Ivan agreed to look into what grants would be available for this.
c) Planning Board – No new permits issued.
d) Sewer – Outstanding sewer charges
Following discussion Council members agreed that additional letters should be send out to those property owners with large outstanding sewer charges. They also agreed that the letters should contain a notice that if the entire arrears, plus the first installment for 2015 is not paid by April 30, 2015 then their sewer service will be disconnected without any further notice to them. They are also to be reminded that all costs associated with the disconnection and/or reconnection will be added to their bill and will also need to be paid before their service is restored.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Semi Annual installment for royalties on peat has been
f) Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights
– Quote for Cleaning Floors – Council members felt that we should wait until spring before doing floors.
– Heat Pumps – John reported that the pumps have not yet arrived from the supplier.
g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report
h) Finance
– Fiscal Year End – Accountants – Council agreed to use the services of BDO Chartered Accounts again this year to prepare our year end Financial Statements.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $118,611.83 is approved.
– PEI Crime Stoppers – Request for donation
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT we donate $200.00 to the PEI Crime Stoppers
– Community of Miscouche Volunteer- T-Shirts or Vests – Ivan suggested we purchase either t-shirts or vests with “Community of Miscouche Volunteer” crest on them. Peter and Ivan will look after.
– Annual Community of Miscouche Bursary – Ivan asked if the annual Community
of Miscouche Bursary was limited only to Community youths graduating from Three Oaks high schools who are going on to University or College or would it include other Community youths graduation from out of Province high schools as well. Peter advised that he would have to check into it.
Will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.
(Preliminary 2015 Budget Planning meeting to be scheduled later)