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Monthly Council Meeting
January 10th , 2017

Chairperson Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
John Gillis – Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Ricky Myers Councilor (Absent)
Jason Woodbury Fire Chief

2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Jason gave the following report. He will be working on the budget in the next few weeks, and he stated that they will be looking for 4 more uniforms for the Captain of the Trucks. They are also sending 2 fire fighters each year to the memorial in Ottawa out of there own pocket and they wanted to know if the Village would send 1 fire fighter either the Chief or Deputy or a higher ranking fire firefighter. The safety officer will be going through all the gear to see what needs to be replaced

The Flag contest for the Canada 150 on July 1st, The prize needs to be clear in the rules as to what will be awarded. Council will decided tonight and Jason will have it tomorrow afternoon to present to the school.

Council thanked Jason for his time and he left the Meeting.

After much decision about the prize for the flag contest they decided to change the wording. It will now read that “The prize of $1000.00 will be awarded if the flag design is chosen by the Community of Miscouche. In the event that there is no flag design picked there will be awards of $100.00 and $200.00 for best effort.”

3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: There has been a few places along Lady Slipper that have been putting snow back out on the sidewalks and it is very frustrating to Monty to try and have it moved. Council discussed doing up a letter and sending it to every household in the community.

4.REC CENTER REPORTS: There is one corner at the Rec center that the siding has let go. Wellington Construction is going to take a piece of the siding off and see what on inside.
Bingo cards: There is a bill that came in for the Bingo cards and its over $4000.00 so Peter was asking if the games had changed, Ivan said they had and that Robert was depleting his stock before he ordered the new ones Bonanza games were different as well as other games. The bill will be paid.

5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: December 13th, 2016

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the minutes of the December 13th 2016 and special meeting January 3, 2017 be approved as presented.


a) 18 Augustine St: Property being changed from residential to commercial for a Trade dealer License. After much discussion Council hs agreed to grant permission to rezone the property to commercial with a letter drawn up with the stipulations of the agreement.

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the property on 18 Augustine St be rezoned from residential to commercial for a small dealer office.

b) 103 Lady Slipper Dr N: a letter was sent to resident of the car dealership on October 27th, 2017 advising to have the junk cars removed from the property. It has been cleaned up and Council has decided to keep an eye on this.

c) Est properties of Allen Lecky: The lawyer called back and he was informed that the property on Lady Slipper Dr has had the door opened for sometime and there is a lot of junk around the property and the neighbors are complaining about it. He stated that he would need to check into the properties as he knows that some went to the bank for mortgage sales and he will have someone go out to secure the building.

a) Fire dept: already discussed.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- None
c) Sewer: Peter was talking to IRAC about the complaint that was filed about the rate increase, and they stated that they will be calling the individual directly to explain it. Peter will call them Thursday as Council still has question on the increase rates.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Maritime Electric are working on Kelly drive replacing some of the street lights.
e) Community Improvements: Granted was approved for $49500.00 from ACOA it has not be publicized yet, but the paper work has ben done.
f) Finance: The books will be going to accounts by end of next week.


MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Joan Arsenualt and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $40,060.44 is approved .
a) Laughlin St Property: There’s an opportunity to purchase the last 6 lots on Laughlin St owned by Curran Briggs that were never developed. Peter is checking with the Planning board and they are undersized lots and he wanted to know if there were grand fathered in. He will wait to see what he can find out before council decides what they are going to do. He did find out that there are no grants at this present time for the development of the lots.
b) Discussed the new Municipality Act some interesting points.
c) Meet you Neighbour night a possibility for this is February 25th, Ivan will check with Robert to see if that date is available.
d) Ivan was contacted by a resident on the Kinsmen rd about a potential apartment building going up. Since this does not belong to the community there is nothing that they can do.
e) Pat Maclellan Sewer is plugged and he has a blockage about 10 ft out. It was suggested to him to contact JC Drilling and have them come out and do his property as well as the under crossing as it is most likely Terra Cotta pipes and will need to be done all the way through. And to get it done know then to have this done later on.

11. NEXT MEETING: February 14th, 2017