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Regular Monthly Meeting
February 9th, 2016
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Joan Arsenault- Councilor
Michelle Perry- AdministratorAnd: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief and Paul Perry Deputy Fire Chief
Jason and Paul gave the following reports.
a) Annual meeting was held and there was only 1 change Mitchell Myers is now the secretary.
They are doing a ticket draw at the end of February for 1000.00, and they are also starting a Toonie draw. Some of the fire department were looking to stop the bingo, but they were convinced to give it a few more times to see how they do.
b) MAY 14TH the Memorial service for the late Mike Gallant, the itinerary will be sent out soon. They are looking to start at 1:00 pm and they expect about 100 people. The only thing they may need to take some chairs from the Rec Center then bring them back the next day for Bingo Fire Department was paid for December & January Bingo split 257.90.
c) Jason was at the Travel store to see about booking flights and it was about 2599.44, he did not book them as advised by Ivan to see what Council member was going then have them booked all together. He will be informed tonight as to who will be attending the Ottawa Memorial Service in September they will be going from September 10-12. It has been changed this year that the PEI Fire Fighters Association usually send 1 delegate from the department to the memorial service but this year they are sending 2 family members instead so council will have to pay for 4 flights plus 1 council member. Accommodation will be booked when the flights are booked they want to get a hotel close to the memorial place
d) Uniforms came in and there was a few issues 2 hats are on back order and 1 jacket needs to be resized. Can take 8-10 weeks to get them back
e) Jason passed in his budget for this year and the only thing that was high was the travel due to this trip to Ottawa.
f) It was suggested maybe having all the firefighters in uniforms, and that maybe this can be cost shared. Jason stated that he was going to purpose next year to have the officers done, and that he has such a young department and that it cost so much for uniforms and because they are fitted you cant pass them done to someone else. His more senior fire fighters first as they are mostly likely going to stay in the department for a longer time. Jason explained that the more experienced drivers are training the newer ones on driving the trucks.
Council thanked Jason and Paul for their attendance and then they left the meeting.
a) The blower has been fixed it was a bearing on both ends and the chain, and if this doesn’t work they will replace the gear box from the old tractor. Will check to see if it was under warranty.
b) Plow hit a manhole cover on Kinsmen Rd, it has since been fixed
a) Check with Robert to make sure that he is asking for volunteers to be Bingo callers
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the January 12th 2016 and the special Meeting January 26TH, 2016 meeting be approved as presented.
a) Fire Dues: Ivan want to make sure that the figures were correct on what the residents in the community pay for Fire Dues before he goes to the committees to put the increase up to the outlying areas. Figured it out again and its about 224.00 per household. Ivan will contact the Fire dues committee to get the meeting started. It will go up $15.00 for the first year and then $10.00 for the next 2 years after that as voted on January 26th, 2016
A. FIRE DEPT: They had 4 calls last month, and their election was on February 1st and Paul Perry was voted in again as Deputy Chief, Adam Gallant was reelected as Training Officer and Mitchell Myers is the new secretary.
It was discussed as to who was going to go to the Memorial service in Ottawa for the late Mike Gallant. It was decided that Ricky Myers will go to represent council on this trip. So council will pay for 4 fire fighters and 1 Council member and they will ask Jason about the accommodations after the tickets are booked .
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the Council will pay for 4 Fire Fighters and 1 council member to flights to Ottawa for the Memorial service in September.
1) Meet you Neighbor Night: Jordan LeClair is confirmed for February 27th, 2016 for $350.00 to play from 9 pm-12 pm Jimmy Gallant has been confirmed for horse and Sleigh rides for $300.00 Nicole and Jessica are unable to help out this year, so Joan will check with Mike MacKinnon to see if maybe his daughter and a few friends can help out with the kids from 1 pm – 4 pm. We will see about having all the flyers done and folded for end of next week. Ivan ordered the hats from Prodigy Sports Lime Green, Grey and Black
2) Perry Glass installed the new handle with 2 keys, Ivan will check to see if they can be cut to make a few more just in case of emergency. Robert kept 1 key. John wanted to make sure that we have a list of everyone who has a key and we do.
C. PLANNING: No reports
D. SEWER: There was 4 payments made on the past due sewer bills.
Need to decide how it is worded on the new sewer bills that every resident needs to have a back water valve installed in their residents.
E. ACADIAN PURCHASE TRUST: Sent an email to Peat Plant advising that we have used up all the post dated checks for 2015, she advised that she will past it on to the accounting department
F. FIREHALL MAINTENANCE & STREET LIGHTS: Seniors Room it was brought to council attention that the seniors did not want the AA group to be walking through their room anymore as the floors were to hard to clean. They wanted to know if there was any way to have a door installed for their own entrance. Seniors had applied for a Grant for new flooring, fridge, stove and more chairs but they were turned down. They received a quote from City flooring to replace the floor for 7200.00. There’s no way to cut a hole in the side of the building for new door, Peter will talk to Jimmy to see if there’s another solution, maybe new flooring in the high traffic area instead of the whole floor. Peter will check with Sonny to see if there is a Grant for new chairs.
Street light on Monaghan was fixed but they did not replace it with LED
1) Amalgamation: the letters were delivered by Sonny to the Premier and Robert Mitchell. It was discussed to send a copy of the letter that was sent to all the residents in Miscouche with the Meet your Neighbor flyer and put it in the Journal as well. Peter will talk with sonny frst to see what his thoughts are before we proceed.
2) BURSARY: There has been a committee formed to give out a bursary for a grade 12 student or 1st year university student in the community of Miscouche which will be $1000.00 and will be decided by the committee. Ivan will contact Three Oaks to have the old information pulled off the web site and see if the new information can be put on.
While reviewing the bills it has been noticed that the Rec Center Electric bill has been high for the last couple of months. It has been decided to see what the next bill comes in and compare before they make any changes to the heat pump.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Joan Arsenault is carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $17856.08 is approved
A. BUDGET MEETING: The meeting has been set for February 23, 2016 at 6:00 pm
B. ENVELOPES AND LETTERHEAD: We have received 2 quotes from Sayit signs and Visual Printing. We have decided to go with te lowest quote and order 1000 envelopes and letterhead for 289.00. Email will be sent tomorrow to order them
C. INSURANCE QUOTE: We have received an email from Mary Lambe looking for additional information the size of the buildings, all information on drivers using fire trucks and maintenance trucks revenue, what the replacement value is on all vehicles owned by community. The insurance claim at the rec center and what services and programs are offered by the community. Will get this information and pass it on to her for the quote.
D GIFT FOR JUDY: Council has decided to get a gift basket and gift cards for gas for Judy to help out on her travels to Charlottetown. Peter will pick this up.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by John Gillis is carried
THAT a Gift basket for Judy Gallant with gift cards be purchased
E. SNOW BLOWING: have to do a bill up for the Museum for part of their share in the snowblowing of the parking lot.
F. DONATION: Evangeline skating club was looking for a donation for their Ice show Sunday March 13th council has agreed to donate 100.00
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Rickey Myers is carried
THAT the donation of 100.00 be paid to Evangeline Skating Club
Will be held on Tuesday, March 8th,7:00 P.M.