COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- February 21st, 2017
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Monthly Council Meeting
February 21st , 2017
Chairperson Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers- Councilor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Monthly meeting that was to held on February 14th was cancelled due to weather.
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: No one here at this time Jason Woodbury will give a report later.
a) Snow blower broke down today the bracket holding the Alternator broke off at it is presently at Corcorans getting fixed.
b) There is a lot of Ice getting on the heat pumps at the Fire hall, and they need to be looked at last month. Ivan suggested on getting covers for them He will get prices for this.
c) Oil Tank outside the fire hall was some concerns about it being next to the water supply. It is contained in cement and should be inspected on a regular basis.
d) Salt Shed: Currently Monty is buying 28 bags of salt every 2 weeks at 5.99 a bag it was discussed about having a salt shed built or adding on to the building that is already out there and buy salt bulk. Table this at this time as there will need to be prices for building a building and the cost of getting bulk salt verses bags. Will be discussed at a later date.
4.REC CENTER REPORTS: Peter had a meeting with Robert about workers playing bingo while working. Peter advised against this as there was a lot of people complaining about it.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: January 10th, 2017 and January 30th, 2017
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the minutes of the January 10th 2017 and special meeting January 30th , 2017 be approved as presented.
a) Laughlin St Property: after doing some research the minutes of 1978 has confirmed that the sub-division was approved to have the undersized lots and they would be grand fathered in
MOTION moved by John Gillis and seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT the Community bring this to the Annual Budget to buy the property on Laughlin Street for 25,000.00 with the intent to sell the 6 undersized lots
b) Meet your Neighbour Night: Everything is a go for February 25th 4 piece band is booked for
$450.00 and Tamara Shore has Karaoke with the kids from 1-3:30 for $75.00 Madelyn Rielly will be on hand to do activities with the kids.
c) Est properties of Allen Lecky: The door is still opened at this property and the lawyer will be called about an update on the properties.
a) Fire Dept: It has been changed in their by laws to have cap off at 40 members. Jason was reelected as Chief and Gary Myers was reelected as Safety Officer as well as Adam Gallant as Training Officer.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- None
c) Sewer rate increase. The first and second increase was approved by IRAC and the second increase next year may be able to be stopped if the Utility shows a surplus this year we will need to wait till the books come back from the accountants. .
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Maritime Electric bill went up by 200.00 Ivan will call and see if the old lights can be replaced to the LED..
e) Community Improvements: Ivan and Peter will meet to go over the next step for the renovations in getting tenders.
At this time Pat MacLellan came into the meeting 7:05 pm
f) Finance: The Gas tax payment of $50000.00
went on the Sidewalk Loan in December however the Credit Union thought that this was an extra payment put on the loan, and the loan payment of $37500.00 came out in January. We can get the payment back for January payment or leave it go towards the loan. Council decided to leave the payment go on the loan as it already came out of the bank.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $27,116.97 is approved.
a)Legion Donation: Legion President sent a letter asking for help in purchasing an AED device for their facility.
MOTION moved by John Gillis , seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT a donation of $500.00 be given to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 18 to help purchase an AED Device.
b) St John the Baptist Parish: A letter was sent on behalf of the Property and Finance Committee of St John the Baptist Parish asking for a donation to help paint the church. After much decision and Peter advising that it states in the Municipality Act that Municipality shall not consider applications or requests from Religious Organization.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard , seconded by John Gillis THAT this donation of $30,000.00 to the St John the Baptist Church be brought to the Public Annual General Meeting to have the residents of Miscouche vote on it. Pat MacLellan, Joan Arsenault and Ricky Myers all abstained from this vote.
Motion failed to pass cause no quorum was achieved.
c) Legion PEI Command: Sent a letter asking for a donation to help them with their book that honors veterans in our Communities on the Island.
MOTION moved by John Gillis , seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT a donation of $280.00 for a full Colour Business Card for there book.
At this time Jason Woodbury Fire Chief came in to give the following report.
11. FIRE DEPARTMENT: The number for fire fighters was capped off at 40 due to the junior fire fighters becoming of age and stepping to the next level. There are 32 senior Fire Fighters and 3 new members which were the Junior Fire Fighter who turned 18 Carter MacDougall, Logan Arsenault and Cameron Trowsdale. They are not hiring anymore senior fire fighter s this will remain as 32.
New Coats: Fire Department are looking to purchase new coats for the fire fighters and they wanted to know if the community would like to contribute to them they are getting 35 coats and they are about $100.00 each with the stitching.
Tires on Fast Rescue 132: they are in need of being replaced John suggested to go with an all terrain tire which since spring is almost here they will not be replaced till the fall.
Cleaning the Building: There has not been any cleaning done upstairs in a awhile it was suggested that the cleaning be taken over by a fire fighter once a month. Jason was informed that the cleaning ladies will be given a proper guidelines of what needs to be cleaned in the building
Leblanc and Connors will be at the Fire Department this week to do their annual testing on the equipment.
Budget: Jason passed in his budget for the next year and he explained it out there are a few things that got bumped up which was supplies and he explained that there is 4 new Captain Uniforms in this one which are not quite as expensive as the last 4 there about $600.00 each. Also the Equipment budget went up as they need to purchase 6 new bunker gear out of 12 that needs to be replaced and 7 new pagers also a new compressor Scott Mask and maybe Ice Rescue Equipment.
Ottawa: Fire Department is sending 2 fire fighters every year to the memorial in Ottawa and they are requesting that the Community send 1 every year.
Council thanked Jason for his report and he left the meeting.
Travel to Ottawa council discussed this and they think that this maybe the last year that they send a fire fighter to the memorial event in Ottawa. No resolution was made.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan , seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT a donation of $60.00 per coat for 35 coats be given to the Fire Department.
Ivan voted against.
Budget: Jason proposal for the budget was agreed upon and enter into the new budget for 2017
Wages: it was discussed by council and agreed that the council honorarium would go up by 10% across the board for each member.
Staff wages: Council discussed giving the staff a raise.
MOTION moved by John Gillis , seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the Council Honorarium be increased by 10%, and Robert Gallant salary be increased by 8%, Robert DesRoches and Monty MacAusland salary be increased by 6% and Michelle Perry salary be increased by 5%.
12. NEXT MEETING: March 14th, 2017