COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – February 12th, 2019
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Monthly Council Meeting
February 12th, 2019
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant Mayor
Allan Parks: Deputy Mayor (Absent)
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Joan Arsenault- Councillor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
John Searle– Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
2. DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Jacqueline Lecky declared a Conflict of Interest under New Business 10 b.
At this time Karen Gallant and Claudette Theriault president of the CMA. They gave a short presentation to council on the events that will be happening in Miscouche on August 14th and the morning of the 15th, 2019. They explained the impact that this will have on the community and that since the events in Miscouche are signature events this will not be of any cost to the community and the CMA will be funding the events. Claudette also stated that they are looking for volunteers for the day and if anyone wanted to sign up they can go to the website.
Council thanked Karen and Claudette from coming and they left the meeting.
3. FIRE DEPT REPORT: John Searle gave the following report, the department had 95 calls in the last year and 75% of them were medical. Up about 28% from last year. They had 7 calls last month, and they had their annual meeting last night. There was 2 position up for renewal. Paul Perry was declared the Deputy Chief, Adam Gallant was declared the Training Officer and Carter MacDougall was declared the Recording Secretary. Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following report. The flag poles for the monument will be put up this spring, and they are hoping to have the monument completed for the 5th anniversary of Captain Mike Gallant death in the May of 2020. Which they will have a memorial service and the unveiling of the monument. Jason also presented the budget for 2019/2020. They are asking for council to send 1 member to Ottawa for the memorial service and he explained how important this was to be able to do this. They are looking for 4 new uniforms, there are 12 who already have uniforms and 34 in the department. He also stated that the Scott Parks are in need of replacing. There is 2 that are 25 years old and they are looking to replace them this year. He did get a quote on replacing 3 at the cost of over $32,000.00. So they are will to replace 2 this year the 2 older ones as most of the Scott Parks are 15-20 years old and they will need to replaced down the road. They are also putting back on the table the Computer Automated System for the trucks and are looking to have 2 this year at a cost of $5,000.00 each unit and a cost of $336.00 a year for the subscription. They are also looking for Ice Rescue equipment for 2 fire fighters that are trained in this. This will cost around $5175.00.
Council thanked Jason for the budget and they will discuss this at a later time when they start to prepare for the budget.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty gave the following report. There is a tree on Lady Slipper Dr N which has dry rot and he measured it from the middle of the road and it is not on Community property. However the branches have been breaking off of it, and there is a possibility that it will take the hydro lines down. Council asked Michelle to contact Maritime Electric and let them know.
5. REC CENTRE REPORT: Jacqueline Lecky gave the following report. She was speaking with Robert and he advised that there are 2 lights out in the main hall, and the ballast need to be replaced.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by John Searle and carried,
THAT the 2 lights that are out in the main hall at the Rec Center be replaced with LED. And that going forward when the lights burn out that they be replaced with LED.
Michelle will call the electrician.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the Meeting Minutes of January 8th, Special Meeting of January 17th, 28th, and the 30th, of 2019 be adopted as presented.
7. Business arising from meeting minutes:
a) Sidewalk Kelly Dr Car Parked. Michelle sent a registered letter to the resident on January 11th 2019 and the issue has been resolved.
b) Emergency Lights at the Fire Hall: Council decided to order the lights from Home Hardware and plugged them in in the places that already have outlets for them.
c) Contract with St Nicholas for Fire Service. There was a change with the wording for the provider. It was changed to primary provider.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried,
THAT the contract between St Nicholas and Mscouche be accepted with the new wording.
d) Barking Dog Wilfred St: Human Society was contacted ad there was nothing they could do as the dog was not being miss treated. This has been relayed to the resident who was complaining nothing more the community can do.
e) Street Lights Kelly Dr: These have been switched over, and there was a couple of complaints, from a resident who lost the light in their yard and a resident who gained a light in their yard. It will take some getting used to. But overall it will be better when walking on the sidewalk.
f) West Lagoon: Council had a meeting with engineer Luc Van Hul and Albert contacted Linkletter Farms to see if the community could obtain land for the West Lagoon and he should have an answer in the next week or two. Council has decided to hire Luc to do the design study, and Michelle is in the process of completing the funding to include this in the gas tax for the study.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the Community go forward with the design study on the West Lagoon.
a) Fire Department: Already discussed
b) Planning: 1 permit for 38 Main Dr E, they will be putting a modular home on the property between March – May 2019.
c) Sewer: Bills went out and there are a few payments coming in. Council will wait till new bills go out in April and if the delinquent accounts have not paid up by May then disconnection notices will be sent out.
d) Fire hall Maintenance & Street Light: It was discussed to have a fall maintenance cleaning for the heat pumps, as well as mold cleaning.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried,
THAT the heat pumps both at the Rec Center and the Fire hall be put on a fall cleaning scheduled to be checked and mold cleaning done on them as well,
e) Community Improvements: Nothing to discuss at this time.
f) Finances: Council discussed paying off the Rec Center loan as well as the Sewer Loan. It was advised to have this put in the new budget to have them paid off.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the payment for the following bills totaling $33,098.96 be approved.
a) Heat Pumps and Mold Cleaning: This was already discussed.
b) Wilson Lecky Donation Generation XX: Jacqueline Lecky declared a conflict of interest and stepped out of the room. Council received a letter from Wilson asking for a donation of $100.00 to support a trip to Toronto for the youth conference “Canada We Want”. John requested that council needs to create a by law on giving money so that here is a set amount for funding. Michelle advised that she will pull the by law template and council can create one.
MOTION moved by Joan Arsenault, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT a donation of $100.00 be given to Generation XX to help fund the trip to the youth conference for Wilson Lecky.
Jacqueline came back into the room.
c) Corner of Main and Lady Slipper Dr N: Since the sign went up for no right turn on a red light the community has received a lot of complaints. Council has agreed that something needs to be done about this so they have decided to send a letter to Stephen Yeo from Highways to see what the resolution is going to be for that corner.
d) Spring Work for Highways: Council discussed the road from intersection on Lady Slipper N to Wilfred St that should be resurfaced. They are hoping this will be completed before the CMA in August.
e) FPEIM Annual Meeting/ Nomination for board of directors: Pat MacLellan position on the board is up for renewal.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried,
THAT Pat MacLellan be nominated to the board of directors for Prince County for the Federation of PEI Municipalities.
Pat accepted the nomination and the paper work was signed and will be submitted.
f) Table & Chairs for Council Room. These have been ordered and waiting for them to be delivered. The table and chairs presently in the board room will then be taken upstairs at the Rec Center.
g) Lot on Kelly Dr: There is a lot on Kelly Dr that was assigned to parcel # but is no longer associated with that parcel. Council is wondering who the lot belongs to and the new # for it. Michelle will contact Access PEI to see what she can find out.
11. Next Meeting: March 12th, 2019
13. Adjournment:
MOTION moved by, John Searle and carried,
THAT the meeting of February 12th, 2019 be adjourned.