COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – February 11th, 2020

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Monthly  Council Meeting
February 11th, 2020

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor (Absent)
Michelle Perry- Administrator

The business owners gave a brief presentation on a potential business in the Rec Center. They work with Adults with disabilities, and they would be looking to rent the Rec Center Monday to Friday from 8:00 am -4:00 pm. This will be going all year and as there business grows they would pay more rent.  They ran the business with a partner for 5 years. They decided to part ways to go in different directions, and now they are looking to start the business in this area.  Council had a few questions and asked if they would meet with Michelle tomorrow to look over the Rec Center to make sure that the space is adequate for her needs.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest.
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: John Searle gave the following report: The fire department recently switched from level 1 to Level 2 for there calls and they have drastically dropped last month they only had 3 calls. The budget was submitted, EMO plan was updated, the Memorial is for May 16th 2020. The government put in 2 tablets in the trucks however they do not come with Sim cards or data plans. Jason was looking to see what a plan would cost.  They got the price for a new pumper truck $388,000.00 plus HST.  It was suggested that a meeting be set up with council and the truck committee.

4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: The blower is broke waiting for 2 parts to come in to fix it the belt and pulley.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Jacqueline gave the following report. Robert has put in his 2 weeks notice and will be done on February 22, 2020. We have a new crew that will be looking after bingo starting February 16 and they will be possibly a paid crew. They are going to do it for 4 weeks then the Bingo committee will have another meeting with them to reevaluate. Also some of the games have changed around and double action has been added.  The new group seems to very enthusiastic about the new adventure. We have also received the rebate from the heat pump.

MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky  seconded by Allan Parks  and carried
THAT the Community hire a paid crew of 6-8 to run the Bingo on Sunday Night.

Jacqueline left the meeting for a prior commitment .
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for January 14th and Bylaw 2 reading January 28th, 2020
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the minutes for January 14th  and January 28th, 2020 be approved as presented.
a) West lagoon: Albert spoke with Linkletter’s and they are looking into squaring up the property which will give the community a little more land to work with, and they have a few more board members to talk to have it passed so that we can get it surveyed.
b) Wilfred St Radar Signs: Allan spoke with highways and they advised that as soon as the snow goes that they will put up a big transportable sign so they can start to collect data on that road.
c) Thermostat covers have been put on in the seniors and the fire department already had one on theirs.  Michelle will return the other 2.
d) Laughlin St Project: WSP and Transportation are still going back and fort about the road grade.
e) Acadian Video: Ivan has been in touch with a lady from Moncton and they stated that it would be about $40,000.00 to get the video played again.  Council decided not to proceed with this as it is to expensive.
f) 22 Main Dr W Property: Albert was there to have a look and there is to much snow around so this will be put off till spring.  In the meantime a letter will be sent to the resident to get some information.

g) Safety Flags: Ivan was in touch with Highways and they said that we could put them.  He also checked with Kensington and they stated that they had good success with the flags so far. He  received a price on the safety flags.

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the community purchase 4 buckets and 60 flags to put up at the intersection of Main and Lady Slipper Dr for $500.00 plus shipping.

a) Fire Dept: Already discussed
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- Main Dr E & Heritage Dr

MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Pat Maclellan and carried
THAT the approval be given to have parcel 1000637 & 1000645 combined into 1 parcel lot known as Lot 2020-1 for resident use only.

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Pat Maclellan and carried
THAT the building permit be given for Heritage Dr for new house build.

c)  Sewer: Bills: nothing to report
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Michelle will check to see the progress on the new lights Augustine St and Walking trail
e) Community Improvements: Nothing to report
f) Finances: Allan went over the proposed budget for the public meeting February 25th at 7:00pm

MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 26,841.92 is approved.

a) East Lagoon Upgrades: There is water leaking in the UV Chamber and also generators need to be installed in case the power goes out so we don’t get any outflow.

MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the Preston Silliker get some quotes for Generators and repairing the UV Chamber.

b) Solar Panels: Ivan wanted to revisit the option for Solar Panels.  Allan commented that it’s a great idea however we have 2 big projects this year that will need to be completed before we can finance anything else.
c) Thank you cards: Council received a thank you card from Wilson Lecky for the donation for the trip to Toronto for the youth conference for Generation XX, and they also received a thank you card from the family of the late Wayne Poirier.
d) Council closed the meeting to the public to discuss increase duties for the CAO to cover the cleaning and management of the Rec Center and also cleaning of the Fire Hall this will increase the hours to 40 hours a week at 2.1% raise.
Meeting was then opened back up to the public.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the CAO hours be increase to 40 hours week starting February 24th, 2020 with a 2.1% raise. A contract will be drawn up for the CAO and Mayor to sign with a list of new duties.

11. NEXT MEETING: March 10th, 2020

MOTION moved by John Searle THAT the meeting of February 11th, 2020 be adjourned.