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Regular Monthly Meeting
December 9, 2014
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
And: Paul Perry – Deputy Fire Chief
– Tanker Replacement – Refurbishing Costs
Council was presented with a copy of the new quote, dated December 3, 2014, from Dunk River Industries to convert the recently purchased 2004 tanker into a water shuttle tanker for the Fire Dept. The new quote gives an estimate of $22,976.00 plus HST. The previous quote, dated June 30, 2014, which included removing the tank off our existing truck and replacing it with a newer tank, painting etc was in the amount of $21,558.00 plus HST. Council members questioned why the second quote is higher than the first quote when the newer truck and tank had already been painted. Council also questioned why a second quote was not obtained from another welding shop. Following discussions Paul advised that he has done all that he intends to do on this issue and he was then asked to leave the meeting. Council members
expressed their concerns about the Deputy Chief’s unwillingness to discuss this issue any further.
Ivan advised that he will compare the items listed on both quotes and then contact Dunk River Industries to try and determine why the second quote is higher than the first.
– Travel Expenses to Pick up 2004 Tanker in Quebec
Council reviewed the list of expenses incurred by the Fire Dept for two firemen to go to Quebec to pick up the 2004 tanker. Some additional charges resulted from the two firemen having to stay a second night in N.B. due to a snow storm that came up before they could get back to the Island. The total charges also included PEI environmental tire taxes which had to be paid in the amount of $45.60 in order to register the truck. The total bill submitted by the Fire Dept was in the amount of $1,872.31 and included an additional charge of $250.00 for loss wages for Billy Arsenault when he missed work because of the one extra day getting back.
Council questioned the amount of these charges. Motion was moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Pat MacLellan to hold the entire bill until after the new year. Following discussion Council members agreed to amend the motion to reflect that the Fire Dept will be reimbursed only $1,826.71 of the bill with instructions to the Fire Dept that they will have to resubmit a claim for the $250.00 bill for Billy Arsenault’s lost wages, in 2015 so Council can discuss that issue at that time. Motion carried.
– Jr. Fire Brigade
Judy advised Council that she had asked Cooke Insurance to check into our insurance policies to see what, if any changes or additional liability, would be involved should our Fire Dept start up a Jr. Fire Brigade. Linda Dunning of Cooke Insurance advised that our current Accident Insurance policy with RBC Insurance was a closed policy and can not be changed to include minors. She also advised that she would check to see if there are any other insurance providers who carry accident insurance on volunteer firemen and what the cost would be. Linda Dunning also advised that Tignish Fire Dept has a Jr. Firefighter Brigade and they already have a Jr. Brigade Policy in place for youths ages 16-18 and she suggested that we contact Tignish to see if we could get a copy of their policy to see what it covers. Linda will report back to us when she gets any further information on the liability portion of having a Jr. Brigade.
– 2015 Sewer Maintenance Agreement – Prince County Waste Water Management
Judy advised Council that she was informed by Preston Silliker of Prince County
Wastewater Management that he would like to renew our Sewer Maintenance Agreement again for 2015 at the same rate and terms as the 2014 agreement. Following discussion
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT we renew our Sewer Maintenance Agreement with Prince County
Wastewater Management for 2015 at the same rate and on the same terms
as the 2014 Agreement.
– Kinsmen Road – Manhole Cover
Council was advised that the contractor hired by the Dept of Transportation to carry out snow removal on Kinsmen Road has again, this year, knocked off the manhole cover and moved the top ring on our manhole located on Kinsmen Road despite the fact that the manhole was marked. Another email was forwarded to DOT advising them of this latest problem and Judy was advised by email from Dawn Moase that she would again be forwarding the information off to the DOT’s maintenance department.
– Booster Cables
Judy reported that as a result of a recent issue involving the battery on our maintenance tractor having to be boosted, our maintenance worker has asked for permission to purchase a heavier gauge booster cable to use if needed again in the future. Council approved.
– Kinsmen Road Lift Station – Electric Panel
Council was advised that we received two quotes from Waite’s Electric for a replacement electric panel “Cabinet”. The first quote is for a stainless steel cabinet in the amount of $5,300.00 plus HST and the second quote is for a fiberglass cabinet in the amount of $4,200.00 plus HST. These quotes include the all work necessary to replace the cabinet including removal and reconnection of all conduits and wiring, electrical inspection, coordinating the schedule power outage etc.
Following discussion Council agreed to bring this issue back for further discussion after the new year.
– Maintenance Tractor “Snow Blower”
Council was advised that the gear box on the maintenance tractor snow blower broke down during a recent sidewalk snow removal and needs to be repaired. The estimated cost for repairs is $800.00 for the parts, $400.00 for labor plus taxes. Ivan reported that he has spoken with Corcoran Farm Supply and they advised him that there is no warranty on the blower but they would be willing to help us with the costs. Council was also advised that the key broke in the ignition and this has since been repaired.
John also advised that he had spoken with Corcoran Farm Supply to see if there were any other tractor/blowers vehicles that might be available that might be more suited for clearing the snow off the sidewalks for under $10,000.00. Corcoran’s advised John that some do come up for sale and they could check. Following discussion
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT we ask Corcoran Farm Supply to keep an eye out for a snow blower
for sale that would be more suitable for sidewalk snow removal.
– Maintenance Department Operations
Council agreed to discuss this issue in the new year.
– Renovations – Additional Painting
Council was advised that we received a quote from New Look Painting to paint the rest of the upper walls, doors, trim in the main downstairs room, lobby and office in the amount of $1,900.00 plus HST. This work is over and above the current work being carried out.
Following discussion,
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT we pay the additional fee of $1,900.00 plus hst to New Look Painting
to paint the rest of the upper walls, doors, trim in the main downstairs room,
– Volunteers Appreciation Dinner
This will be held on Friday, December 12, 2014 and will be put on by the Silver
Maple Seniors Club at the Seniors Club.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the minutes of the November 12, 2014 regular monthly meeting
be approved as presented.
a) Unsightly Properties Act
– expenses – Nothing new to report.
– Two Properties on Wilfred Street – Council was advised that there are two houses located at 19 and 20 Wilfred Street which are both owned by one property owner and which appear to undergoing some minor repairs and there is debris and garbage on the front lawns.
Peter advised that he will check out the properties to see if letters need to be sent to the owner to clean up the properties.
b) Rec Centre Activities – Peter advised that Nicole Muprhy, the summer student we had
hired last summer, might be interested in running a “chocolate bar bingo” at the Rec Centre while she is off school over the Christmas holidays.
c) Highway Issues – A letter will be sent to DOT to see if they will give up permission to install “removable rubber” speed bumps along Kelly Drive next summer.
d) Committee Chair Appointments
Following discussion the following Councilors agreed to chair/co-chair on the following
Fire Dept – Ivan Blanchard
Recreation – Joan Arsenault
Planning Board – All Council Members
Sewer – John Gillis and Ricky Myers
Acadian Purchase Trust – This is co-chairs by three Provincially appointed Trustees
Wayne Poirier, Albert Gallant and Peter Mallett
Firehall Maintenance & St. Lights – Pat MacLellan
Community Improvements – Pat MacLellan
Finance – All Council Members
Vice Chairperson – Ivan agreed to stay on in the position of Community Council Vice-Chairperson.
e) Gas Tax – Asset Inventory
Judy advised Council that as part of the new extended Gas Tax all Communities are required to complete asset inventory forms and these forms will need to be completed by January 23, 2015.
a) Fire Dept – 2015 Xmas Dinner Party will be Saturday, December 20, 2014 at the
Miscouche Legion beginning at 8:00 P.M. and Ivan has already advised the firemen how many Councilors will be attending.
b) Recreation – Nothing new to report.
c) Planning Board – Permits – There were two permits issued:
– CLS Holdings to construct a 40′ x 32′ storage building and to add a 20′ x 38′ addition to
the west side of the Convenience Store located at 4 Main Drive West.
– Community of Miscouche to carry out renovations and upgrades at the Miscouche Rec
Centre at 31 School Street.
d) Sewer
– Outstanding Sewer Charges – Council agreed to wait until after the Christmas season
to discuss possible disconnection of service on the long overdue sewer accounts.
– General Sewer Maintenance – John reported that he wants to hire John DesRoches to
carry out any minor sewer upgrades that might need to be done in the future. Council agreed.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Royalties
Judy reported that we have received copies of all the shipping records needed for the
semi annual installment of royalties and a request has been submitted to Miscouche Peat
(Annapolis Valley) for the payment of $2,491.63 to cover the royalties.
f) Firehall Maintenance
– Quote for cleaning floors – Council will wait until new year to discuss.
(At this time John Gillis left the meeting)
– Heat Pumps for Fire Dept and Silver Maple Seniors Club Room – Council was advised that we have received two quotes to supply and install two heat pumps, one in the Firemen’s room and one in the Silver Maple Seniors room.
The first quote was from Sherbrooke Mechanical to supply and install a Fujitus 18,000 BTU heat pump in the amount of $4,100.00 plus HST of $574.00 ($4,674.00) and a Fujitsu 24,000 BTU heat pump in the amount of $4,300.00 plus HST of $602.00 ($4,902.00) for a total cost of $9,576.00.
The second quote was from Gillis Heating to supply and install one 24,000 BTU LG heat pump and one 18,000 BTU LG heat pump at a cost of $6,500.00 plus HST of $910.00 for a total of $7,410.00 for both units.
Following discussion
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT we accept the quote provided by Gillis Heating to supply and install
one 24,000 BTU LG Heat Pump and one 18,000 BTU LG Heat Pump at the
firehall – firemen’s room and Seniors Club room – at a cost of $6,500.00 plus
HST in the amount of $910.00 for a total cost of $7,410.00.
(At this time John Gillis was asked to return to the meeting)
g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report
h) Finance – Additional $25,000.00 investment into Reserve Fund
Following discussion
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT we invest an additional $25,000.00 into a Reserve Fund for Future
Capital Expenditures and/or Debt Retirement at the Consolidated Credit Union.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $63,466.46 is approved.
a) Prince County Hospital – Request Donation (Renewal of 3 year pledge) Equipment Fund
Following discussion.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT we renew our 3 year donation pledge to Prince County Hospital
Foundation Equipment fund to be paid at an annual rate of $1,000.00 for a
total of $3,000.00.
b) Small Halls Festival Assoc. – They are now looking at the 2015 season and asked if we
would be interested in participating again this year.
c) Service Canada – They are now accepting applications for summer student employment
for 2015.
Next regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.