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Regular Monthly Meeting
December 8th, 2015

1. OPENING OF MEETING Peter Mallett declared that since Judy Gallant is Absent Michelle Perry will be taking the minutes at the meeting until further notice.

Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Ricky Myers – Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Joan Arsenault- Councillor- Absent
Judy Gallant Administrator -Absent
Michelle Perry- Administrator Assistant
And: Jason Woodbury – Fire Chief and Paul Perry Deputy Fire Chief

Jason and Paul gave the following reports.

a) Dress uniforms for officers- They were fitted and measures for the new uniforms with a quote of $627.55 a person. They take 12-14 weeks to be done. They can be ordered anytime but they wont be billed till the new year. They will wait to order them on the approval of Council. This will have to be in the new budget.

b) MAY 14TH they will be having a memorial service for the late Mike Gallant, Blaine working on a shadow box to have Mike’s uniform and helmet.

c) Bingo’s- Robert drew up a template with the income and the cost of the bingo for a month and then divided it by the number of bingo to get what the Firemen will get in a month this will fluctuate depending on the income of the bingo. Jason and Paul agreed this was fair.

d) Truck 121 the seal still needs to be fixed. Jason, Paul and the Councilors agreed that Council will make the decision as to where the truck goes to be fixed.

Council thanked Jason and Paul for their attendance and then they left the meeting.

Council decided to get 2 prices on paper to have the 121 fixed. Ricky will call to get the quotes, and Ivan will let Jason know we are getting 2 prices. Also talked about in the new budget of letting the Fire Dept have their budget money to take care of, and maybe having a co-signer on the account. They will think about this and decide before budget meeting as to what they will decide. Council also discussed about having the Fire Dept call a council member when things need to be bought or fixed over the $1500.00 to get approval. They will discuss farther at a later meeting.


a) Garage Overhead Door- Hinges are repaired and the opener was ordered
b) Monty took the Bobcat Tractor to Corcoran’s to be fixed and it just needed shut off values


a) No response from GI Adams or Fitzgerald and Snow. Peter will call them again

5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES of November 10th, 2015

MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the November 10 meeting be approved and presented as read.

a) Kelly Drive – Ditch In filling and Sidewalk Monty fixed the rocks that were on the side of the sidewalks. Discussed the options about putting Millings on Kelly Drive instead of the sod in the Spring. And that maybe it would be better if we had narrower ditch and a sidewalk beside it for the rest of Kelly Dr.

b) School Property Adjacent to BMX Park – Still waiting for a response from the School on
our letter to them.

c) 29 Wilfred St Property:  the building has been torn down.

d) Sewer Charges- All 8 letters that we sent out have been paid in full.

e) Fire Dues- talked about increasing the fire dues for the outing area. Ivan and Peter will get in touch with IRAC or the Federation to see what the process is.

f) REC CENTER- We have received 2 quotes for the side door from Perry Glass and City Glass. To fix the Steel side door with a keyed entry in Ivan will check to see if the keys are included.

Motion Moved to go with Perry Glass moved by Ivan Blanchard second by Pat MacLellan

g) BUILDING PERMITS Bruce Crabbe want to buy a piece of land at the end of his property from Linkletter

MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT we give preliminary approval for Bruce to have the property re zoned as residential

h) Wellington construction started on the new wood burner building at the School.

a) Sewer- Preston has decided to keep his prices the same this year. Maybe set up a meeting with Preston and Bobby about question that council has about the Sewer.

b) Wastewater- meeting that was held in Charlottetown on November 26 was very informative and John Gillis spoke with Morley Foy and he suggested that we have our cement lines checked for leakage regularly with video if not every year than every 2 year. Discussed check some of the shallow wells around the community maybe 4-5 a year. Will look into it for later on in the summer as there to much run off in the Spring.

c) Community Improvements- Street light at the end of Gillis duplex.

d) Tree in Park Fell down Ricky taking the wood and will clean up the branches in the spring.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed.

b) Sewer – Outstanding sewer charges paid in full

c) Acadian Purchase Trust – Semi Annual installment for royalties on peat has been
d) – Heat Pumps – John reported that they sent the wrong part waiting for the new one

MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $156,991.37 is approved.

a) Meeting- Cooke Ins Jerome on the Pollution Policy Thursday Dec 10 at 2:30 pm

b) Amalgamation- Bill Martin want to know about our finances and Land holdings and he was looking to expand. Government said as per Bill Martin deadline of 18 months. MLA Sonny Gallant spoke with Prime Minister and he stated that they have no deadline. Council decided to leave it be bot are open if any ones wants to come and talk about it.
c) Pest control- Mouse droppings in the Seniors Room
d) Bingo for the workers Friday night at 7:00 pm gift cards for prizes.
e) Fire Hall- Leaking pipe in the back furnace room, may need to be jack hammered out to find the leak John will look into it.
Will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 7:00 P.M.