COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- December 12th, 2017
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Monthly Council Meeting
December 12th, 2017
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
John Mitchell from Mitchell First Aid Service gave a presentation on an AED machine that he is looking to get funding to put in Miscouche Consolidated School. Right now there are only 2 schools left to have an AED machine put in them out of all the Western District. And in the Eastern district there are only 5 schools out of 30 that have them. There is no funding from the Government to have them put in the schools, they have put some in for students that need them, but not every school has one and in this day and age it’s a small price to pay to save a life. John stated that there should be one in the Fire hall and at the Rec Center as well. There is functions going on in these places where young and old are attending an it only takes one tragic moment to know that this could have been prevented. John also stated that if the AED is purchased then he would do all the training for free. And that is a savings right there.
Ivan thanked John for coming and stated that council will discuss this tonight and they will let him know what the outcome is.
Rachel Lapointe and Anne Gallant from the Museum came in to meeting to talk about what they were planning on for the Congress 2019, they stated that they were planning on a temporary exhibit on Miscouche, and to have the Genealogy available at the Museum and on line as well. They also talked about the re- enactment of the flag and the Museum extending their hours for that week.
Ivan informed that he had a meeting with Karen Gallant and Giselle Bernard and that we will be having a meeting in January with Eric Cormier about the activities planned for the day and that all the day activities for the Congress will be paid for by the Congress, and that they are looking on having one full day planned for Miscouche. So we should start thinking about vendors and what we need in the community for that day. He advised Rachel that he will send an email to confirm the date of the meeting with them if she would like to have someone there that day. We have a tentative date of January 17th,2018 at 9:00 am.
Ivan thanked Rachel and Anne for attending and they left the meeting.
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: There was no one from the Fire department to give the report.
3.REC CENTER REPORT: The Christmas dinner for the Bingo volunteers was held December 8th, and they were set up to have 48 people but only 26 showed up. Council will have to think about this next year to see if they should have another one.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty and Bobby put up to heat pump covers at the back of the Fire Hall to protect the heat pumps from falling ice this winter.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: for November 14th, 2017
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the November 14th, 2017 meeting be approved as presented.
a) Skate Park: Maritime Electric was out and replaced the Light at the Skate Park with a 100 watt LED with a 10ft arm, and the skate rails were not loaned out the Generation XX, Bobby and Monty have stored them for the winter.
b) Critical Care Insurance: this was tabled from the last meeting to give council enough time to think about this. The specs were gone over again as to what they cover and who should have this all the Fire Department Staff and Council, and the ages that the 2 quotes cover Sun Life up to 70 years and Cooke’s Insurance up to 75 years old.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT all the Fire Department, Council and Staff be covered for the Critical Care Insurance with Cooke’s Insurance for up to 75 years old.
c) Amalgamation with St Nicholas: This was tabled from the last meeting to give Council some time to think about this. They have decided to let St Nicholas decide with their council and residents to see if this is something that they want to do before Miscouche brings it to the residents to see if the residents want St Nicholas to join Miscouche. They will wait to see what St Nicholas decides to do first.
d) Fire Dues: Michelle has pulled some information to compare what the other neighboring communities are charging for Fire Dues and they seem to be on par. She has asked St Nicholas and the Miscouche Fire district to have a break down on how many houses, farms, cottages and business they are charging fire dues for and she has not received any information. She has contacted the Fire district in the Government but they were not indulging any information as they stated she was not part of the Fire District committee. Ivan stated that he will contact MLA Sonny Gallant to see who would be the right person to contact to get this information, as Miscouche does not have any idea if the money they are given is the correct amount.
a) Fire Dept: Ivan stated that he was going to talk with Jason to see if there is any way to recoup some of the expenses from training for first responders from the PEI Government or EMS, as the fire department is way over their training budget.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- No permits
c) Sewer: KM Liquid Waste bill has still not been resolved for the hours that were charged with no Videoing included, Steven from KM was contacted to get a break down on the bill as to when the truck was here and how many hours per day so we can go over with our records to have this fixed so we can get the bill paid. d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: The Amber light is still out at the Corner Street Lights Michelle will contact Dawn Moase from Highways.
e) Community Improvements: Ivan mentioned sending out a Welcome letter to all new residents moving into the community. Just to let them know what services we offer and what is available to the residents. It was also mentioned to maybe having a quarterly News Letter sent out to all the resident letting them know what the upcoming events are at the Rec Center and around the Community. Michelle will draw some letters up so council can review them. It was also suggested to have the Community Flag on the News Letter.
Matthew Fortier from the Government is coming upon Monday December 18th, at 10:00 am to go over the sidewalks on Kelly if anyone from council is interested in attending.
f) Finance:
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $27,453.38 is approved.
a) MCEG: Michelle and Robin were at a meeting about a new grant available to Municipalities for the 10% on Capital Expenditures that Municipalities can claim starting from April 2017. The paper work has been filled out and Michelle is getting ready to send all the claims to the Infrastructure Secretariat for payment in the new year.
b) Fire Department when they were hauling their equipment upstairs scuffed all the stairway going up stairs, and this needs to be fixed Michelle has address this with the chief with some resistance in getting this fixed. So council has decided to send the Fire Department a letter requesting that it be repainted at their cost.
c) Sidewalk Kelly Dr. The Community has not received the billing yet for the last phase of the Sidewalk on Kelly Dr. and Council needs to decide how they are going to pay for the project.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the Community extend the additional Loan for the Sidewalks on Kelly Dr, and make the Semi Annual payments with the Gas Tax money.
d) Prince County Waste Water:: Preston wrote a letter to council advising that he was increase his wages by $130.00 + HST a month to cover the increasing cost of the business.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the Prince County Waster Water be paid an increase of $130.00 plus HST monthly starting in January 2018.
e) There is a lot of flies in the back of the Fire Hall rooms the AA room and the Seniors room Michelle will contact Pest Control to see if there is anything that can be done.
f) Welcome letters for new residence in the community: It was suggested to have a welcome letter done up to send to new residents in the Community to let them know what we have to offer in the Community. It was also suggested to do a quarterly news letter for the residents in the Community as well. Michelle will draw something up for the next meeting.
g) AED: Council discussed the decision on purchasing 3 AED for the community 1 at the School, Rec Center and the Fire Hall.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT the Community purchase 3 AED machines. 1 for the Rec Center, Miscouche Consolidated School and the Fire Hall.
11. NEXT MEETING: January 9th, 2018