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Regular Monthly Meeting
December 11, 2013
Chairperson, Peter Mallett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Ben Murphy – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
– Sidewalk Snow Clearing & Salting – Council was advised that the sidewalk snow clearing and
salting has begun. Council discussed salting the Recreation Centre Parking lot as well.
– Fireman of the Year Award – Ivan reported that he has arranged to have the plaques prepared for this year’s Fireman of the Year Award.
– “25″ Year Service Watches – Ivan reported that he has ordered watches for those firemen who will be marking their “25″ Year of Service this year.
– Survey – Council was advised that the questionnaire/survey was handed out at the December 7th bingo and several bingo players completed the survey with a few indicating that they would be interested in volunteering to work at the weekly bingos.
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried,
THAT the minutes of the November 13, 2013 regular monthly meeting be approved as presented.
a) Exterior Exhaust Fan – Seniors Club Room – Joan reported that the Seniors would like to keep the
exhaust fan. Council agreed to discuss this issue again in the Spring.
b) Maintenance Storage Building
– Security Bars – Mike had suggested that we could have the students at Three Oaks welding program make the security bars as a training session. Following discussion
MOTION moved by Mike MacKinnon, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT we have the students at the Three Oaks welding program make the security bars for the maintenance storage building windows.
c) Unsightly Property – 8 Main Dr. West.
Peter reported that he had inspector come out to look at the building and he had advised Peter that the building was actually worse than he had expected and should definitely be tore down for several reasons, including the fact that it did not have any supporting foundation under it and it was structurally unsound. However, he was not prepared to give us a written statement on his inspection because he was now retired and not prepared to have any official standing in this issue. He did suggest that we have our Fire Chief give a statement that because of safety concerns, he would not be prepared to allow any of his firemen enter the building in the event of a fire. He also gave Peter the Chief Building Standards Engineer with the Dept of Environment. An email was sent to him asking for his assistance in this matter and he recommended that we contact the Provincial inspector for the western part of the Island. Peter is still trying to get in touch with them Following discussion, Council members felt that we should have our Solicitor send a registered letter to the Est, the mailing address listed on the Provincial Property Tax role.
d) Outstanding Sewer Charges
Council was advised that we have received payments on several of the outstanding sewer accounts and the current balance owing for all sewer charges as of December 11, 2013 is $8,120.00. Ivan suggested that we look into having a debit machine installed at the office so our sewer customers have another payment option besides cash or cheque. Ben and Peter agreed to look into this option.
e) Rec Centre Activities – Mike reported that , Ex. Director of the Western Sport & Rec. Council is proposing to set up the go!play program in Miscouche starting in January and since the school gym is only available one day a week she would like to use the Rec Centre for one afternoon per week from 2:30 to 3:30. She is also proposing to tie in a teen program from 3:30 to 5:00 for the same days. Council members had no objection to the youth programs provided that they take full responsibility of putting back any tables and chairs that they might move for their programs and that the dates for the programs do not conflict with any times or dates when the Rec Centre might be rented out or being used for any other functions that our Rec Centre Manager, Robert Gallant might have set up. Robert will need to be included in the youth program scheduling.
f) Sewer Rates:
– Ivan reported that 46 Wilfred Street has made a request to have his sewer rate reduced from the current rate of $192.00 for his dwelling with basement apartment, to the single family rate of $120.00. He advised that the basement apartment is being used by his father and he is not charging any rent for that space. Following discussion Council members felt that decision not to charge rent to his father was his own decision and therefore denied the request for a reduction in his rate.
– 2 Iris Court – Following discussion by Council about reports having been received that the resident has set up an apartment in his dwelling it was Council’s decision that, beginning in 2014,to increase the sewer rate for this property from the $120.00 single family rate to the $192.00 rate which includes the addition of the apartment. A letter is to be sent advising him of the rate increase because of the apartment in his dwelling.
g) Sister Della Gaudet – Proposed 2014 Activities Following discussion, Joan volunteered to speak to the CWL to see what their intentions are
concerning Sister Della’s proposal to give a presentation in 2014 on the history of the convent and school
h) Council’s “New Year’s” Levee
Council members suggested that the event should be a family function and should be held prior
to the Legion’s annual New Year’s Levee. Ivan and Peter will check to see if the Senior’s Club members would be willing to put the function.
a) Fire Dept – Nothing new to report
b) Recreation – Nothing new to report
c) Planning Board
– No new permits this period
– Miscouche Legion Subdivision – Council was advised that we have received an inquiry from who is considering the purchase of the three remaining lots in the Legion Subdivision located on Kelly Drive. He asked if he would be permitted to re-subdivide the lots to turn them into two lots instead of three and put a duplex (one owner) on each of the two lots. Each current lot is 106.7 feet wide and if re-subdivided into two, instead of three lots, the two lots would be 160 feet wide x 180 feet deep each which would meet the minimum lot size for one owner duplexes. Following discussion Council advised that they felt that this proposal would be acceptable.
d) Sewer – Annual Rotational Sewer Main Flushing – Council asked that a notice be sent out to the
residents prior to the annual rotational main flushing so that they are aware of what is being done.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Royalties for the period May 1, to October 31, 2013 have been paid. – 3 – December 11, 2013
f) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights
– New submersible pump – Council was advised that Rideau has now reimbursed us the
$313.98 for the unused sections of pipes that were returned to them. – Museum Side Parking Lot Pavement – Ivan reported that he has spoken with the Dept of
Transportation about the condition of the museum side of the parking lot and he was advised by the Dept of Transportation that they will be looking into the matter in the Spring of 2014. g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report.
h) Finance – Council was reminded that our fiscal year end is December 31, 2013.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $22,250.41 is approved.
– Furnace Oil Discount – Peter advised that he is checking to see if the firemen are eligible to the
same discount as the Community now has with Irving Energy.
10. NEXT MEETING – Will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.