Monthly Council Meeting
April 9th, 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor (Absent)
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor (Absent)
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No One declared a Conflict of Interest

3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: Spring clean up has started, and the stakes from winter have been all taken out.

4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting March 12th  2024

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the minutes for the  Monthly Meeting March 12th, 2024 be approved as presented.

a) West Lagoon Upgrades: Nothing to report
b) Hydrant: The electrician has started to do the wiring, and they have decided to do under ground wiring to the road. The parking lot will be staked off on Thursday.
c) Code of Conduct Training: Everyone has completed their training.
d) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: No update but the letter from the resident stated that the work would be completed by end of April 2024.
e) Sewer line Kinsmen Rd: The contract was signed with WSP to get the permits done and the drawing done for the new sewer line from 59 Kinsmen Rd to the Lift Station, and hooking up 55-45 & 39 Kinsmen Rd as well.  As per environment we needed to have the professional drawing done.
f) New Fire Truck: The committee met last evening and they have a recommendation for council for the Fort Garry truck.  Council will discuss this at their meeting on April 16 and then have decided to have a public meeting April 24 2024 @ 6pm.

a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: The department had 3 calls last month. The forestry truck is no longer in the building. Fire Smart will be on May 4th, and the drop off will be at the Fire hall. There was a risk assessment done for the community by Fire Smart and when the report comes in it will be given to council. And they spent their funding of $500.00 on advertising for Fire Smart and the department would like to know if the council will fund the BBQ for that day.
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo’s are going good. The attendance numbers are starting to come back. The safe was replaced at the Rec Center as the hinge was broke and not fixable. And we will start getting quotes for the floor to get cleaned. Also COA Perry will check with a welder to see if a seat can be done for the Adult Equipment at the Kelly Drive Park. Also council has received 2 quotes for the Playground equipment for Kelly Dr Park. 1 company Kangroo did not have the installation cost and the ground cover in the price.  Jambette prices came in at $98,000-100,000 which included the installation and the ground material.  They will come in and complete the project from start to finish.

 MOTION moved by Jonathan Gallant seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community go with Jambette for the Playground Equipment.

c)  Water & Sewer:  Councilor Gillis was absent so CAO Perry gave the report.  44 Main Dr E was disconnected almost 3 weeks ago and there still has been no contact made from the resident.  Deputy Parks and Councillor Gallant will make an attempt to check on the resident to see if there is anyone living there.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard was absent so no report was given.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: The federation will have an election on April 29 2024, so the paper work will be filled for Councillor MacLellan nomination for the seat.
f) Finances, Budgets, Pay Committee, Bylaws and Planning:  Councillor Parks gave the following report: The planning board will have a meeting on April 16th, 2024 @ 7 pm to go over a plan to see what Bylaws need to be reviewed. Also the Remuneration Bylaw will be worked on as the one that the community has now needs to be updated.


MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $71,246.94 be approved.

a) Donation Letter Youth Bowler: Council received a donation letter from the youth bowlers of Summerside to help with a fundraiser for their trip to the nationals in Ottawa.  2 of the bowler are from Miscouche.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the community donate $200.00 towards the Youth Bowlers .

b) Grant for Upgrades: CAO Perry is doing up the grant for the fire department equipment and the playground equipment.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the community apply for funding for the fire department equipment, new playground equipment a Heat Pump and 2 new stoves for the Rec Center.

c) MLA Gil Arsenault fundraiser for district.  MLA Arsenault will be having a fundraiser dinner on April 18 @ 6:30 the funds will be divided between the Evangeline School, Miscouche Consolidated and the District. $40.00 a seat or a table for $320.00

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community purchase a table for 8 people for $320.00 for the Fundraiser to raise money for Playground equipment for the Evangeline and Miscouche Schools.

9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting May 14th, 2024


MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of April 9th, 2024 be adjourned.