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Regular Monthly Meeting
April 9, 2014
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Peter Mallett – Chairperson
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
John Gillis – Councilor
Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Judy Gallant – Administrator
– Power Outage – East Lagoon Lift Station – Council was advised that there was an electrical problem at the east lagoon lift station and it was repaired by Maritime Electric. Council members also discussed the possibility of installing a hookup for a generator at the Kelly Drive/Kinsmen Road lift station in case of a lengthy power outage.
a) – Water Tank for Tanker – Fibre glassing of existing tank – Ivan reported that he was advised by a local fibreglass company that they did not feel that a water tank on a fire truck could be fibre glassed because the fibreglass may not stick to the metal and because of the constant movement of a fire truck a piece of fibreglass could come loose inside and plus water outlets. Council will keep checking to see if we can purchase a replacement tank.
b) – “Fire Service Bylaw” – Judy advise Council that we have received a letter from
Municipal Affairs advising that the Fire Marshall’s Office and Municipal Affairs have drafted a policy and bylaw regarding Fire Protection Services. The intent of the bylaw and policies is to help reduce the potential for conflicts and misunderstandings between the Fire Dept and the Municipal Council by setting out the roles, responsibilities and distinct authorities associated with the administration and operation of a municipal fire department. Council members will need to review this issue further.
c) – “ Snow Removal for Fire Dept” – Council discussed a problem with not having sufficient parking spaces cleared of snow in front of the Fire Dept for the firemen to park when fire calls came in. We will have to make sure that any future snow removal tenders clearly state that the contractor must ensure that in addition to the snow being removed from in front of the bay doors they must also clear enough space for the firemen to park.
– Energy Audit – Council was advised that we have received two quotes to have an Energy Audit done on both the Rec Centre and the Firehall. The quotes received were from:
a) – HouseMaster PEI who quoted $850.00 for the firehall and $700.00 for the Rec Centre plus HST for a total of $1,767.00.
b) – Bill Drost – Engineer, who quoted a total of $700.00 (plus HST) to do both the firehall and the Rec Centre. Following discussion;
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT we hire Bill Drost, Engineer, to do an energy audit on both the firehall
and the Rec Centre as soon as possible.
Judy will send an email off to Bill Drost asking him to have the audits done as soon as possible.
– Island Community Fund and ACOA – We will need to speak to Giselle Bernard again to see if there will be any funding available through ACOA and about having the application for a grant under the Island Community Fund filled out.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the minutes of the March 12, 2014 regular monthly meeting
be approved as presented.
a) Unsightly Property – Est of A. DesRoches – Main Drive West – Peter advised Council that
the Clean Up Order and a letter advising the Est. Of A. DesRoches , that the property had to be cleaned up by May 30th, was prepared and given to our Solicitor, John Brennan. Mr. Brennan will have the Clean Up Order and Letter served person in care of the property in Saint John N.B. by a process server.
b) Rec Centre Activities –
– Archery Class – Bruce Crabb is now holding regular classes and has started charging the participants for taking the classes. Council will need to consider whether or not to charge for rental of the space.
– Indoor Floor Hockey – Mike is looking at setting up a 6 week program for indoor floor hockey which would be for boys and girls teams. Our summer student could be involved in overseeing this activity.
c) Summer Student Grant – Mike reported that he had received a phone call advising that
application for a grant to hire a summer student has been approved. Council members will need to prepare a list of projects and work to be carried out by the summer student.
d) Sister Della Gaudet – Presentation
Joan advised that Sister Della Gaudet has decided to put her presentation on at the
Acadian Museum instead of the Rec Centre. The date for the presentation has not yet been set.
a) Fire Dept – Already discussed
b) Recreation – Rec Centre mortgage – Council to discuss at next meeting whether or not to
pay off mortgage early.
c) Planning Board – No new permits issued.
d) Sewer – John gave the following reports:
– The clean out manhole in the front yard of 41 Main Drive East was plugged again and had to be cleaned out by Kensington Septic System.
– The sewer lateral line at 98 Lady Slipper Drive North had to be replaced and J.C. Drilling had to be hired to bore under the roadway and install a new service line. We will be responsible for the section under the highway.
– Sewer Clean Outs – John recommended to Council that we should consider cleaning out all the clean out pipes which were installed on some of the individual sewer service lines around the community. These clean outs were installed because some of the sewer service lines had poor drainage flows. Since the clean out piping is smaller than the usual sewer mains a smaller jetter nozzle would be needed to do the work we would need to hire someone with the proper equipment.
– Sewer Accounts – Council was advised that in addition to their sewer bills, 9 homeowners who still owed arrears from previous years were also given letters advising them that their accounts had to be paid up to date by April 30, 2014 or they run the risk of having their sewer service disconnected.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to report
f) Firehall/Municipal Building Maintenance and St. Lights
– Council members to consider improvements and upgrades to the Community office and
Council chambers.
g) Finance – The on line “View Only Access” has now been set up for the Community
accounts at the Credit Union.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $45,606.57 is approved.
a) Miscouche Consolidated School – Request for Donation for Annual Yearbook
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Mike MacKinnon and carried,
THAT we donate the sum of $200.00 to the Miscouche Consolidated School
annual Yearbook.
b) PEI Royal Canadian Legion Command – Request for Donation – Not approved – Already
gave grant to local Legion Branch.
c) Community Access Expo – Will be held at Stratford Town Hall – April 15th from 5 – 8 P.M.
10. NEXT MEETING – Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.