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Monthly Council Meeting
April 11th, 2017
Acting Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Acting Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers- Councilor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Absent – Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Fire Chief- Jason Woodbury
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Jason Woodbury gave the following report: The fire department will be having their summer party on June 3rd and wanted to know in the past council gave them $600.00 towards the party for food. And they wanted to know if they will do the same this year.
Fire department with their winning of Chase the Ace will be purchasing 33 sections of lockers to hang there gear in, and they wanted to know if council would give a donation towards them.
The 3 trucks need to be waxed the new truck, the rescue and the 112. Travis Gaudet did them last year and he was paid 600.00 it takes him about a day to do 1 truck. So they wanted to know if Council would pay Travis the $600.00 to have this done.
Council thanked Jason and he left the meeting.
a) Ivan did not get a chance to find out about the pricing on the rental equipment. Body work needs to be done on the tractor. Ricky Myers was interested in having a look at it to see what needs to be done and give a price for it. And Monty will get a price from someone else.
4.REC CENTER REPORTS: Robert Gallant manager of the Rec Center joined the meeting
a) He has quite a few bookings this year for Birthday parties Weddings and a couple of Anniversary. The rate is $100.00 for down stairs $50.00 for the Kitchen plus HST and $50.00 for a room upstairs.
b) Discussed having a paid crew to run the bingo’s $15.00 hr for 4 hrs for the caller and minimum wage for the floor workers. They would be paid once a month by check. Robert will have a meeting with all the volunteers to see who would be interested in this.
c) The grass needs to be rolled at the Rec Center Pat said that he will get in touch with Jim Burrell to get a price in rolling the grass around the community.
d) The garbage shed needs to have the enclosing around the building done as there is a lot of snow getting in there in the winter.
e) The floors need to be stripped and waxed. Robert got a price from the cleaners for $600.00 plus supplies to do it. Robert also has his eye on a gently used floor scrubber with a vacuum for $3000.00 it was suggested that he see if the guy will take $2500.00
Council thanked Robert and he left the meeting
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: March 14th, March 18th and the March 28th, 2017
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the March 14th, March 18 and March 28th 2017 be approved as presented.
a) Seniors Club History Book: They are looking to print 500 books at $7,782.00, they have received a donation from the Silver Maples Senior Club for $2000.00and Ivan spoke with Sonny Gallant and they are trying to get them a donation of $2000.00 from the Government. They we still waiting to hear back from the royal Canadian Legion Branch 18 to see if they would give a donation as well.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT a donation be given for the balance left owing to get the book published and printed for 500 copies.
a) Fire Dept: Nothing to report
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- None
c) Sewer Rate Increase: Villa has not been charged right for the sewer rate Ricky said that he will check to see how many bathrooms they have.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: 2 lights were replaced on the outside of the Fire hall with LED. Heater have not been installed yet for the Heat Pumps. John wants to give Monty and Bobby some instruction on how to clean and maintain the heat pumps. Michelle will have them contact John to set something up.
e) Community Improvements: The Lower part of Kelly Dr will be paved this summer and the Sidewalk tender will be going in the paper tomorrow. Ricky stated that the culvert from the post office to the corner of Kelly is collapsed. John suggested that he get in touch with Steven Yeo
about it. We have received 1 revised tender for the renovation upstairs.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the renovation be given to Urban MacLellan Construction for the renovations.
f) Finance: Nothing to report
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $53,277.87 is approved.
a) Carbon Tax: It was discussed to send a letter to the government advising that council is against the carbon tax due to the wind mills and all the green possibility that the Island has. Council has tabled this to next meeting.
b) School Bursary: Three Oaks called to see if they wanted them to take care of promoting the Bursary and they will call when they have the applications and then they will be picked up and given to the Bursary Committee. Michelle will call Evangline to see if there are any Grade 12 students from Miscouche
c) Hours of Operation: Council discussed having the office opened on Friday 1-5 pm
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the Community office be opened on Friday 1-5 pm.
d) Annual Meeting in Rustico. This will be tabled till May and them a date will be picked.
e) By Election will be held April 18th, 2017 at 7:00 pm at the Rec Center.
f) Fire Dues: We have received the checks from the Fire District Committee however they have still not paid the balance owing from 2016. It was suggested to send a letter with interest on it.
g) Peter Mallett: Peter sent a letter asking to be paid out for the first 2 months that he was chairperson before he reassigned.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the Peter Mallett be paid out for the Honorarium for January and February for $416.66
h) Family Place: a letter was sent asking if the space at the Rec Center would be available in the summer months to run their program and since they have a really good turn out for it they wanted to continue on.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the Family Place can continue to use the Rec Center for the Summer months for their play group
i) Funeral Luncheon Volunteers appreciation dinner: Ivan is still waiting for some information from the ladies to see who is all going as they do not want to forget anyone.
j) Skate Park: Pat is going to work with Jackie Lecky to see what the kids came up with for the upgrades to the skate park they have a budget to work with and they need to stay within the budget unless they raise the funds.
k) 2 names were put forward for cleaning Mike and Jocelyn Arsenault, at this time the cleaners are working out but we will keep them on the list in case there is something that comes up.
11. NEXT MEETING: May 9th, 2017