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Monthly Council Meeting
April 10th, 2018.
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7;00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor (Absent)
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor (Absent)
Michelle Perry- AdministratorChief Jason Woodbury and Deputy Chief Paul Perry
Ivan asked for a moment of silence for the Humboldt deadly Bus Crash.
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Jason gave the following report:
Since the budget has passed and gone through he just wanted to let council know that although they are not happy with the budget cut they will move forward and there is no hard feelings as this is politics. He also wanted to mention that there was some miss- communications on the way they do there budget, and he wanted to clarify this. The Fire Department Council come up with a list of wanted items and they vote on it, they are left with 4 items and they bring that back to council in the prepared Fire Department budget.
Jason also wanted to state that the department is looking forward to the new Municipal election and they will be going out to lobby for new council members. He also wanted to state that they have a right to lobby as that was the direction that was given to Jason by his committee members when they found out that the budget was being cut. At that time he called the Chairperson Ivan Blanchard and advised that he would be sending out a press release.
Jason said that the Fire department did have some concerns about the Chairperson and the Co- Chair going to his office and advising him to stop the media or he would be relieved from his position. He explained to his Fire department that there is no hard feeling with Council and the Department and although they may not always disagree there is no hard feeling.
Jason said that now that the budget is passed he will be working on updating the Emergency Measures Plan, and also there is a valve stuck on the #112 and G Leblanc will be over to fix it.
There is also 3 new pagers being ordered they had 3 from last year and they looked through what they had and they do need 3 more. And some fire fighters use the I Am Responding but it is not as reliable as the pagers.
Jason also wanted to say that council and the fire department need to start earlier on working on the budget and not to wait till the last minute.
Jason also commented that council should leave what’s important for the fire department to the fire department and that he wouldn’t make decision about the sewer not knowing anything about how the sewer works.
Pat MacLellan came late into the meeting.
Robin stated that it is important to show the actual cost of running and maintaining the building, and that residents need to see what the full cost is in running the Fire Department. Jason said that infrastructure builds communities and public services cost money, and council shouldn’t dictate what fire services need to run the department that should be left to the professionals. Jason stated that there were no hard feeling and that council and the fire department will work together going forward.
Council thanked Jason and Paul for the report and Paul left the meeting and Jason stayed.
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Michelle gave the following report for Monty: There is a bushing on the tractor at both ends of the hydraulic cylinder that is gone and Monty wants to know if he can get it fixed before the grass cutting season and he talked to Corcoran’s and they said that they will take it off and take it to Linkletter Welding to see if they have a bearing or if they can make one to fix it rather than replacing it. Ivan gave the go ahead to take it in and get it fixed.
Robin read a note from Ricky to have the catch basin done by 20 Main Dr W pulled to make sure it hasn’t plugged up over the winter. Michelle will have Monty take a look.
Also there was a plug down at 96 Lady Slipper Dr N they had a plumber and videoed it and the trouble on the community side. Monty was down and they flushed the line today and they are going to keep an eye on it, if it get worse Monty will call JC drilling.
New Maintenance Truck was purchased 2012 Silverado from A-1 Auto Sales. And Ivan got a quote from Carquest on a yellow magnetic light bar on the top for when they are out on the road he asked to have Monty go have a look at it to see if this will work for the truck.
4. REC CENTER REPORT: Robert Gallant manager of Rec Center came in and gave the following report:
Bingo is doing very well the 1st quarter and there has been no losses so far. The bingo groups have been moved around some so he is going to see if he can get more volunteers, It was suggested that he put a sign up sheet at the canteen to see if he can get a few more people. Ivan asked him to check the heat pump filters to make sure that they are clean and working good. Robert stated that they had some issues with the furnace and it was cleaned and also a new water tank was installed.
Robert called around to a few places to see about the rental for weddings and the bar prices and he stated that they are about par for bar pricing and the rental are somewhat comparable. Linkletter was charging $300.00 for wedding birthday parties were 25 an hour with minimum of 2 hrs. Sherbrooke weddings $60.00 only holds 70 people bring your own booze. Wellington 4100.00 plus HST they don’t do meals and they only allow certain caterers in. Robert has a few booking this year 4 H Anniversary Sea Cadets Banquet, Rainbow Daycare Graduation and 4 weddings. He will also be getting a quote for new lights in the Rec Center in the main area few ballast are burnt out. He will get quotes.
Council thanked Robert for the report and he left the meeting.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: March 20th, 2018
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the minutes for March 20th, 2018 be approved as presented.
a) Fire Hall Door: Robin advised that Ricky gave her a message that Wellington Construction stated that they will be here later this week or the first of next week to get the door done.
b) Quotes for the Rec Center: The floor in the upstairs religion room has old carpet and needs to be replaced with something that can be cleaned. Robert Gallant passed in 2 quotes to have the floor tore up and replaced. Council discussed and advised Michelle to have Robert rip up the old floor and see what is under it and let council know next month.
a) Fire Dept: Already Discussed
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- No permits,
c) Sewer: Bills: Few payments have been coming in some through E-Transfers Online Banking,
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Speed light has been fixed.
e) Community Improvements: Parking lot at the Walking Trail will be looked at once the weather gets nicer and the ground is dry.
f) Finance:
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $68,012.33 is approved.
a) Fall at the Rec Center: since Robin would abstain from voting due to conflict of interest. There is not enough for a Quorum, so this will be put off till next meeting.
b) By Laws: Council has decided to have a meeting on April 17th, starting at 6:30 to start working on the By-Laws.
c) Boys & Girls Club Wellington: are looking for a free space to do a Free pop up Book distribution. They would have pallets of books coming 2-4 weeks prior and would need to stored inside. Then they would have the book event for 3 days between July & September. On the event people can get anywhere from 200-300 books to distributed to kids not for Libraries or schools.
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Miscouche Rec Center not be used for this event due to possible damaged that may be done to the floor and that there may be other booking that will not be able to happen due to the event.
d) Petition: The community received a petition from the un-incorporated are of the Three Rivers looking to start a petition to stop annexation on un-incorporated areas and to change the AGM. Council was not interested in going door to door to get signatures whoever it will be posted at the office.
e) Cleaning: The previous cleaners were let go due to some issues, and we have received a quote from another cleaner to strip and wax the floors in the Fire Hall at $30.00 an hour and this can take 2 people and 2 days to complete. Michelle will get clarification if the $30.00 is per person.
f) Land St John the Baptist: With the upcoming Acadian Congress in 2019 the gazebo and flag poles need to be replaced on the church property and since they are unable to apply for grants it was suggested that a letter be written to them asking that the property adjacent to the church be in-trusted to the community, so the community can apply for the grant.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the letter be given to St John the Baptist asking to have the land in-trusted to the community.
Robin Gillis voted no.
g) Deep Water Wells: a resident made a complaint about Linkletter digging a deep water well in the field next to Laughlin St. Michelle sent a email to environment and they checked it out and Linkletter is running new pipe to an old well that has been there for 20 years and it is more than 400 meters away from the sub-division.
11. NEXT MEETING: May 8th, 2018