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Regular Monthly Meeting
April 10, 2013
Chairperson, Peter Mallett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present:Peter Mallett – ChairpersonJoan Arsenault – Councillor
John Gillis – CouncillorBen Murphy – Councillor
And: Preston Silliker – Prince County Wastewater Management
Absent: Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson and Mike MacKinnon – Councilor
Preston Silliker reported:
a) Sewer Manhole Cover Replacements – Preston recommended that we wait until the
asphalt plant is open before we install any replacement manhole covers so that the asphalt can be put around the manholes at the same time.
b) UV Lights – Preston will be ordering new lights for the UV System.
c) Lagoon Banks – Preston recommended that we look at some way of preventing the skunks
and crows from tearing up the sods and topsoil around the lagoon berms.
d) Lagoon Testing – Preston recently carried out full testing of the lagoon and we will be
getting a bill from the Dept of Environment for the test resulting.
Council thanked Preston for his report and Preston then left the meeting.
3. FIRE DEPT REPORT – The Chief was not present to give a report.
4. REC CENTRE REPORT – Robert Gallant was not in attendance to give a report.
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the minutes of the March 13, 2013 Regular and March 25, 2013
Special meetings are approved as presented.
a) Sidewalk Extension – Main Dr. W. – Judy reported that we are still waiting for a written
response from Rick Smith, Dept of Transporation Engineer.
John reported that one of the cement slabs on the sidewalk leading from the School roadway/parking lot to Antoinette Drive must have been damaged by the snow plows during the winter and should be removed and replaced with asphalt. Peter will inspect the sidewalk.
b) Sidewalk Snow Removal
Council was advised that we have received several quotes from various dealers for a tractor with snow and lawn cutting adaptors. The quotes were from Green Diamond (John Deere) – $35,263.00, Kensington Agricuture – $36,900.00 and Good Equipment – $31,950.00. We also received a quote for a Bob Cat from Corcoran Farm Supply for $25,000.00.
Council discussed the possibility of purchasing only a lawn mower for now and review snow removal proposals over the next couple of months. Peter advised that he could try to obtain quotes for lawn mowers for Councils review.
c) Rec Centre Improvement Project – Peter reported that he and Judy recently met with ACOA to discuss the possibility of obtaining a grant for improvements at the Rec Centre. After going on a tour of the Rec Centre ACOA advised that before we proceed any further with proposed improvements to the Rec Centre we should first have someone check the structure of the Rec Centre building to make sure that it is structurally sound. We might be able to qualify for a grant of up to 75% of the cost for the structure inspection.
Following discussion Council members agreed that we should have a structural inspection done at the Rec Centre before proceeding any further with the improvement project. Peter agreed to
contact ACOA to see if ACOA will assist with the cost for the structural inspection and also get information on who we should get to do the actual inspection.
d) Antoinette Drive – Easement Agreements for “Turn Around” and “Tap Drain”
Peter reported that the Easements have been amended to add the wording “at no cost”
and that both Easements have now been signed by himself and Judy on behalf of the Community. Once the documents have been signed by the Province we are to get registered copies for our files.
a) Fire Dept – 29 firemen’s jackets have been received and the total cost was $2,708.80 plus
GST. The firemen have contributed a total of $270.00 to cover the additional costs over the $84.00 cap limit set for each jacket.
b) Rec Centre – “Festival of Small Halls”
Peter reported that he was advised by the organizers for the Festival of Small Halls that its too late to get on this years list but we could fill out an application for next year.
c) Planning Board
Building Permit issued to construct a 31′ x 34′ two story single family dwelling with attached garage at 11 Heritage Drive.
d) Sewer – Already discussed.
e) Acadian Purchase Trust – Nothing new to report.
f) Firehall/Municipal Building Maintenance & St. Lights
– Water Well Pumps at Firehall and Rec Centre – John reported that we recently had problems with the water pumps at both the firehall and the Rec Centre. A new pump had to be ordered for the Rec Centre. After having John Manderson pull up the firehall pump from the outside well it was determined that the pipes were all rusted so John instructed John Manderson to order new rust proof pipes for the well at the firehall and to install them as soon as they came in.
– Sidewalk at Back of Firehall – John reported that some sections of the sidewalk are
damaged and should be replaced.
– Grass Cutting for 2013 Season – Council members will make a decision over the next couple of weeks to either hire someone again this year or purchase our own equipment and cut it ourselves.
g) Community Improvements – Nothing new to report.
h) Finance – Nothing new to report.
MOTION moved by Ben Murphy, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $24,747.89 is approved.
a) Sewer Snake – John reported that the end piece is missing off our sewer snake and he has
recommended to Council that instead of repairing the snake we should get rid of it because it is too difficult to use.
b) Ditch Infilling Heritage Drive
At this time Councillor Ben Murphy left the meeting after presenting a letter to Council members concerning the ditch in front of his home.
Council members reviewed a letter sent by Amanda Murphy stating that she and Ben had filled in the majority of the ditch in front of their home on Heritage Drive after installing a storm drain and catch basin as required by the Dept of Transportation at their own expense. However, they could not complete the remaining section of approximately 10 feet located between their driveway and the adjacent laneway leading into the Community owned greenspace because the Dept of Transpiration refused to allow this section to be filled in unless another catch basin was installed along with the additional storm drain. Amanda & Ben are asking that the Community cover the cost for the additional catch basin. Following discussion Council members feel that since there are two Council members absent from tonight’s meeting, this matter would have to be brought to the full Council for further discussion before a decision can be made. Peter also advised that he would have to check with Dept of Transportation to get further information from them on this issue.
At this time Ben was called back into the meeting and he was advised by Peter that the matter would have to be brought back before all Council members for further discussion and consideration.
c) FPEIM Annual Meeting – The 2013 Annual Meeting will be held in Cornwall on April
29th and Joan Arsenault advised that she may be able to attend this meeting.
d) Miscouche Consolidated School – Request for donation to Memory/Yearbook.
Following discussion:
MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Ben Murphy and carried,
THAT $200.00 be donated to the Miscouche Consolidated School for their
Council that it was recommended by Cooke Insurance that we have our maintenance worker get a record of the time and date every time he salts or cleans the sidewalks at the Municipal/Firehall building and Rec Centre for liability purposes.
10. NEXT MEETING will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.