COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Annual Public Information Budget Meeting March 6th, 2018

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Annual Public Information Budget Meeting
March 6th, 2018

Council met before the public meeting to go over the Financial Statement with auditor from BDO Jenna Dominey, since there was not enough council to have a quorum to pass the financial statement, Chairperson Ivan Blanchard and Administrator Michelle Perry took responsibility of the Financial statement until it can be passed at the next council meeting.

Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor (Absent)
Robin Gillis- Councillor (Absent)
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor (Absent)
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator

10 Fire Fighters
9 Residents
Media from Journal Pioneer (Colin MacLean)

2. Moment of silence in memory of all community residents that have passed away during the year.

3. Introduction was given by chairperson Ivan Blanchard welcoming everyone to the meeting.

4. Presentation of the Finical Statement.

Copies of the 2017 Financial Statement which was prepared by BDO Chartered Accountants were distributed prior to the meeting. The Financial Statement was read over by our Accountant Jenna Dominey. The statement showed combined revenues of $469,551.00 for both general and sewer and combined expenses of $639,590.00 for both general and sewer for a deficiency of ($170,039.00). Mrs Dominey advised that the Community continues to be very stable and that we are in a very strong position to be in as a community. Mrs Dominey invited questions from the residents.

There was a question about the contribution that was given back for the lockers for the Fire Department that were purchased by the Fire Department. Mrs Dominey did explain that this was accounted for in on page 2 under contributions for capital.

No other questions

5. Presentation for the proposed 2018 budget was read by Michelle Perry. Michelle advised that the budget was for 15 months as all the municipalities year end will be changing to March instead of December.


The Proposed Fire Department Budget is $57,500.00 for Administration and Miscellaneous, $44,000.00 for Truck Maintenance and Equipment for a total of $101,500.00

There was questioned asked about the Fire Department budget as some of the numbers were put in as 12 months and some were put on as 15 month. It was explained that there was 2 items put in as 12 months and that was Insurance and the Honorariums as they are only paid out once a year.

Question: about the cut in the equipment budget by 19% and the overall budget being cut by 23%

Michelle explained that the Chief gave an itemized budget to council with what was going to be purchased for equipment this year and council agreed that at this time the I Net computers were not a safety issue and since there was no other fire departments on the Island that have been using them that they will be postponed in purchasing them till next year. And since they were $12000.00 for 2 and they were removing them from being purchased that this was taken out of the budget. The travel budget also went done to $2000.00 as council agreed that they were not going to pay for a representative to go to the Memorial in Ottawa this year. And the Insurance budget was cut back from $10,000.00 to $7,000.00 simply as the insurance is only paid out once a year and since there was only $6,187.00 spent on insurance last year it made sense to cut that budget number down.

Question: still doesn’t make sense that the budget was cut for equipment.

Ivan explained that safety is the number one concern and at this time council did not think that the I net computers were a safety issue. And that no other fire department on the island have been using those computers beside the ambulance.

Question: I do think that this is a safety concern cause when I am at a fire or medical call it would benefit us to know the history of the patient and when that ambulance or police will arrive.

Michelle explained whether you have those I net computers or not this does not effect how go out on a call you trucks will still go out whether you have them or not. Brand new gear is more important than that.

Question: The outlying areas are paying more for the fire department budget than the Community.

Ivan explained that they are trying to make it more fair and have the outlying communities be more at par with municipality and there was a proposed increase for the outlying areas of $10.00 for each category with a new one being vacant properties being charged $10.00 a year. And that there is a meeting tomorrow night with the fire district committee for the proposal.

Question: Why are the outlying areas paying as much and the community for Fire Dues Michelle explained that the Municipality has a municipal tax and there is no way of knowing what each household pays for the fire dues in the municipality, and the municipality should be paying more for the fire service as they have the infrastructure and the fire department is going to get to there house faster than the outlying areas.

Question: I live in the municipality however I don’t have access to sewer, streetlights or sidewalks however I am still paying the municipal tax.

Michelle explained that the boundaries were set by the community years ago and that was nothing that they could change and that the fire district committee that was meeting tomorrow night would not be changing the boundaries either they are just setting the rate for the outlying areas.

Michelle continued to go over the proposed budget continuing with Municipal Building. With $74,000.00 for the general operations and $30,000.00 for the Snow Removal which since we have more sidewalks to keep clean and this also includes what is contracted out. Grass cutting for $15,000.00 with a total budget of $119,000.00. Administration Budget of $94,000.00 and Street Lights and Recreation & Community Services at $31,000.00. Also with the reserve fund for the Fire Department Vehicle replacement and reserve fund for Capital Exp. For $25,000.00 each Rec center budget for expenses at $65,300.00 and a budget of $20,000.00 for a new maintenance truck and tools for maintenance. The balance totaling $480,800.00

Revenues were forecasted at $507,250.00 including the revenues for the Rec Center at $39,100.00. Sewer Revenues were $80,000.00 and the expenditures are $113,300.00

6. New Business: Ivan Blanchard gave the following report of what was done last year. There was about $35,000.00 spent in maintenance on the sewer which included videoing the main lines and having the lines annually flushed, also there were 5 laterals replaced and a major repair done in front of the fire hall. The side walks on Kelly Dr are no completed to the Kinsmen Rd. We had a big Canada Day celebration that was also to celebrate Miscouche’s 200th Birthday. There was renovations done upstairs at the Fire Hall and new equipment was bought for the Skate Park. 3 new AED machines were bought, 1 for the School, the Rec Center and 1 that is located at the Village office. The Council room was renamed the Judy Gallant room in honor of Judy Gallant who was the past Administrator for over 20 years.

Ivan also wanted to mention that there will be a Fire District Meeting tomorrow night and they are looking for 3 new members to take this committee over and the past 3 have been on it for 13 years. So if any one wants to attend that meeting it will be at Fire Hall at 7;00 pm.

7. There were 2 door prizes of $50.00 each drawn and the winners were Ricky Myers and Kendall Wright.

Ivan thanked everyone for coming