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Monthly Council Meeting
January 12th, 2021
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor(Absent)
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor(Absent)
Michelle Perry- Administrator
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: No one was here to give a report on behalf of the fire department
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: a)The generator will be going next to the lift station on the Kinsmen Rd and it was suggested that they be fenced in.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the community get quotes to have the lit station and generator fenced in on the Kinsmen Rd.
b) Blade for the Bobcat: It was suggested that it might be more efficient to have a blade on the bobcat so the snow blower machine does not have to go out as often as the snow blower cost more to use. We have received a quote for about $5,060.00 for the blade and connections as well as labour. This will be looked at budget time.
c) Blockage in the fire hall: There have been some issue with the pipes in the fire hall blocking. It was suggested to have the line videoed to see what the issue is.
d) Monty asked about a trailer hitch for the maintenance truck. Council stated that it is not a big expense and to go get it done.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Bingo’s are going really well they had to turn away 25 people on Sunday. Also there was a complaint that the tables had to much dabbers on them. The finish is gone off the tables and they either need to be refinished or something to put on them so that they are easier to clean. Also the over head pass through door in the kitchen is too heavy to lift and needs to either taken down or new one made that opens side to side. Council has decided to take it down for now.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for November 10th, and Special Meeting November 25th and Special Meeting December 9th, 2020.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the minutes for November 10th, and Special Meeting November 25, and Special Meeting December 9th, 2020 be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon Survey/ Change of Ownership: The final plans were done and the pin are in place and the survey has been dropped off to the Lawyers for the change in ownership.
b) Bylaw Amendment for Zoning & Subdivision: Council has decided to go forward with the amendment changes and will have a public meeting February 8th to go over the amendment before going to the public.
c) Green Space on Heritage Dr. 2 signs were put off showing the right away to the public access, and both signs and the poles were stolen off the property. Council will look at options in the spring of what can be done.
d) Generators: These are on order a long with the alarming system.
e) Fire Dues for St Nicholas: It was discussed to have a contract agreement for a 3-5 year term for RM of St Nicholas for the Fire Dues.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the Rural Municipality of St Nicholas be put on a 3 year term for Fire Dues at a rate of $14,015.00 per year.
f) Automatic Doors: We have received approval for the installation of the automatic doors and we have received 2 quotes for installation. Perry Glass and City Glass & Mirrors.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT City Glass & Mirrors awarded the project to install 3 automatic doors. One at the Rec Center and 2 in the Fire Hall building at a total cost of $7,590.00 taxes in.
g) Deck your home for Christmas: Jacqueline & Pat went around the community on December 19 and 3 homes were picked 3rd prize was 28 Wilfred St, 2nd was 2 Laughlin St and 1st place was 94 Kelly Dr. The residents were extremely excited and this is definitely something that should take place next year.
a) Fire Dept: Already discussed
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- Permit was issued to 91 Kelly Dr they will move a house on it in the spring.
c) Sewer: The past due bills will go this month. And Disconnect letters next month
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Wind block at the seniors door, the wind took the door and pulled out the hinge at the top so it was suggested to have a wind block on the side of the door. Michelle called a contractor to get a quote just waiting for price. Street light at the community post office box residents were complaining that they could not see at night. Michelle called Canada Post to see if it was there responsibility for light.
e) Community Improvements: nothing to discuss.
f) Finances: Pay off the Sidewalk Loan and transfer money to Fire Dept fund.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the community pay off the Sidewalk Loan with the funds from the General Account, and also to transfer the $25,000.00 into the Fire Department Fund.
9. APPROVAL OF BILLS TOTALING $ 55,271.70 Nov- Dec and $42,958.56 Dec & Jan
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 55,271.70 for Nov- Dec and $42,958.56 for Dec- Jan is approved.
a) Voting Age: Council discussed the voting age as it was going back to the house in the spring. Council opinion 16 should not be the new voting age.
b) Corcoran’s Farms: There has been concerns about the look of the property again. Council suggested that we check to see environment if the business is in compliance with the environment.
c) Business in the Home: 51 Main Dr E they are looking to run a small hobby business in there home working on ATV and UTV small repairs. Council had some concerns
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the approval be given to 51 Main Dr E for a Hobby Business under the condition that the oil and fluids are disposed of properly and the application for the business is done through the province.
d) Donation to Unsolved Crimes: They are looking for a donation again this year.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the donate $50.00 again this year to Unsolved Crimes.
e) Budget: Allan and Michelle will be starting to work on the budget next week for review. Albert wanted to create a pay committee group to go over increase in staff wages Honorariums for council and fire dept. Albert appointed Allan Parks Ivan Blanchard and will check with Pat MacLellan to see if he wanted to be on the committee and if not John Searle stated that he will go on it. Allan and Michelle will work on the budget and present it to council for review on February 8th 2021.
11. NEXT MEETING: February 9th, 2020
MOTION moved by John Searle THAT the meeting of January 12th, 2021 be adjourned.