Monthly Council Meeting
May 14th, 2024
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor (Absent)
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland Councillor
Corey Gillis Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No One declared a Conflict of Interest
3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: The clean out was fixed by the fire hall bay doors. The siding on the shed at the Rec Center was replaced and the roof was shingled, as well as the roof on the oil tank at the fire hall. Monty also asked about the add on to the maintenance shed. Council received a price on the concrete slab and it was $20,700 plus HST. There was $36,000 put aside out of this year budget for it. Council had some concerns about the price and they wanted to get quotes for the whole project as well as prices for a shipping container as long as it has 9 ft doors to get the equipment in it. Council will see if they can get the quotes before next meeting.
4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting April 9th, Closed Meeting April 16th, and Public Meeting April 24th, 2024.
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Corey Gillis and carried
THAT the minutes for the Monthly Meeting April 9th, Closed Meeting April 16th, and Public Meeting April 24th, 2024 be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The fence, landscaping, Generator Installation, completing the UV Station and the Lift Station as well as the touching up the entrance and the driveway still needs to be completed.
b) Hydrant: The tenders went out for the driveway completion and the parking lot at the well. It closes May 29th, 2024 at 4 pm.
c) Remuneration Bylaw: The first reading of the bylaw will be June 10 @ 6 pm and the second reading and adoption will be June 11, 2024 at the monthly meeting
d) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: The resident has hauled a storage container on the property to store some stuff out of the buildings. Councillor Blanchard had some concerns that there has been nothing done and that the council has given the resident numerous extensions and that maybe council should just proceed with fining the resident. CAO Perry brought up the last letter that was received from the resident and it states that all the work will be completed by end of spring 2024. After some discussion about it they will wait till the end of spring to see what has been done.
e) Sewer line Kinsmen Rd: The tender will be going out May 16th 2024 and they anticipate June or July for construction times. Councillor Gillis would like to request that a meeting be set up with Minister Arsenault to see if there is any funding available to help with this project, as the government is promoting housing, and it is a costly project for the community to fund. CAO Perry will call Minister Arsenault office to see about setting up an appointment with him.
a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: The department had 1 call last month. And Fire Smart day went very well there was a lot of yard bags this year and not so much branches. The government had all the bags picked up Monday evening after the event. The department had explained why they gave up the chase the ace with the legion, and they had voted at the time not to participate. At this time they have no plans to do any fund-raising. Councillor Blanchard asked if it would be possible to have the money donated for the boot drive towards the fire truck. Councillor MacAusland advised that he will ask them. The department also asked if council would get the floor upstairs cleaned and waxed. The comment was made that the equipment and product is available if they would like to do it themselves. The department is also looking to see if the council will donate towards their summer party.
MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community donate $650.00 towards the summer party for the Fire Department.
Councillor Blanchard voted no
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo are going good it is averaging about 90-110 per week. And the profit last month was $4000.00. The floors were cleaned at the rec center and they look very clean. The seats for the adult equipment were replaced, and the swings at the Kelly Dr park were removed as the post were rotten and unsafe. The new equipment will not be there till August. It was also discussed about the play structure that is there now, if it could be moved somewhere else on the property as the new play structure will be going where it is located now. We will have to check it out to see what the condition of it is.
c) Water & Sewer: Councilor Gillis gave the following report: 6 Main Dr E the lateral was replaced to the main. Also 44 Main Dr E there has been no contact with the residents since the sewer was disconnected, and some councillor feel that environment should get involved as it has been a month since the disconnection. CAO Perry will make contact with environment. Councillor Gillis also asked about Dawysn Court if the contract that the community hired fixed the issue at the end of the road to Kelly Dr. The contractor stated that if he goes back to fix it, it will mean that they will have to dig the road. The contractor stated that if the pipe at the end of the road is filled with 20% of water there should not be an issue with line as we flush the lines yearly.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: The heat pump at the Rec Center had to be re-booted a few times in the last month. Not sure if there is an issue with it or that someone locked it up pressing too many buttons. If it happens again we will get it looked at. The windows on the front of the Fire Hall need to be painted they are starting to peel. Councillor Blanchard will get a painter to get it done.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan was awarded the seat on the committee for West Prince and the first meeting is this Thursday.
f) Finances: Councillor Parks was absent so CAO Perry gave the following report: The community contribution to the budget amount of $75,000 to the truck replacement fund.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $76,027.74 be approved.
a) Summer Program: The funding has been approved for 2 students to run the summer program and CAO Perry was wondering is it possible to hire another student in the community to help run the program so we can take more kids this summer.
MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community hire an additional student for 30 hours a week for 8 weeks.
b) Summer Dinner: Council picked June 14th @ 6:30 pm for Brothers Two
9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting June 11th, 2024
MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of May 14th, 2024 be adjourned.