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Monthly Council Meeting
January  14th, 2025

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Councillor MacAusland declared a conflict of Interest in 8 A

3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: There was a coolant sensor that was replaced at the Kinsmen Rd generator, new cutting edge was ordered  for the blower, and the  generators at the East Lagoon and the Kinsmen Rd were serviced.

4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting December 10th 2024

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the minutes for the Monthly Meeting December 10th, 2024, be approved as presented.

a) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: There was nothing to report.
b) Phase 2 Kinsmen Rd: Council still has not received any drawings for Phase 2 yet.
c) Speed Change Request/ Painting of the crosswalks for the veterans: No update from Highways yet on the speed change so they will be contacted before the next meeting. Councilor Blanchard spoke with Highways about the painting of the crosswalks, and Highways requested a letter from council and he will also get a letter of support from the Miscouche Legion for the crosswalk painting.
d) RCMP: We are on the list for meeting with council, and they had another community that was booked in for tonight.
e) Budget: CAO Perry has finished the preliminary budget and gave it to committee chair Parks for review. Once this is reviewed, council will get a copy and a meeting will be set up for discussion. Things can still be added or removed right up till before it gets adopted.

a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following  report: The extra amount that was given for the honorariums went into the Heavy rescue fund as the department said they were not aware of the increase and had already had the checks made out. No update on the Chassis for the new Fire Truck. They had 2 calls last month and 1 junior moved up to a senior position.  There are some lights that need to be replaced in the kitchen upstairs. There also was a meeting with the residents of Dawysn Crt on Monday evening. There was 7 residents that attended and there was positive feedback from it.  The chief and deputy chief went over the mitigation plan with the residents, and they also informed them that there will be 2 training exercises this year and they will be informed when they will happen. The department had their annual meeting and they had 28 calls last year, and there is a new training officer Tyler Richard.
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo
had an average of 92 people per evening over the last 4 weeks and the amount brought in was $2,006.00. He also wanted to bring it to everyone attention that we pulled the revenue and expenses for bingo over the last 2 years and right now we are in a deficit of – $8.000. We will continue to monitor and have a better idea as it gets closer to the fiscal year end. We have enough supplies to last for a couple of months. And no cards will be ordered until the ok is given from the office.
c)  Water & Sewer:  Councilor Gillis gave the following report: There was nothing to report. Except he was wondering if the floor was going to be dug up. We are still waiting for the contractor to get back to us on when it will be done. Councillor Gillis stated that we have not had an issue since the fall and they have been doing more flushing in the line.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: The man door at the fire hall and the roof was checked and there was some caulking done around the door and tar was put on the roof where the old roof and the new roof meet. So, we would wait to see if this fixed the issue. He also received a quote for the bay doors of $7,000 per door.

MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community budget $25,000 for 3 new bay doors.

e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan gave the following report: There was no meeting lately but there will be one on Thursday evening that he will attend.
f) Finances:   Deputy Mayor Parks gave the following report: Over the last 8 months the community is in a deficit of $94,500.00 a lot of that is from the west lagoon project. And with the new budget being worked on we need to make sure that we have enough funds to pay for projects.
g) Bylaw Committee: Councillor Gillis gave the following report: They will be a meeting Thursday evening at @7 pm so there will be an update after that. Councillor MacAusland asked the question why the community is not budgeting towards upgrading these plans and bylaws so that when they need to be done it’s not a huge sum of money to spend. Councillor Gillis stated that he will look into trying to get a estimated amount on what it would cost this year to have them updated before the next meeting so we can budget for it this year.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the community start budgeting $7,500 a year to go towards the Official Plan and Bylaws for future updates.

7. Total bills paid for the month of October was $662,403.83

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the bills paid last month for $662,403.83 be approved.


a) Upgrade to the Maintenance Phone: (At this time Councillor MacAusland stepped out of the meeting as it was a conflict of interest for him). There is an issue with the phone charging and it needs to be upgraded.

MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the community upgrade the maintenance phone.

At this time Councillor MacAusland came back into the meeting.

b) Donation for the Miscouche ATV Club: Council received a letter from the Miscouche ATV club asking for a donation.

MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the community donate $200.00 towards the Miscouche ATV Club to continue to build the trails.

c) At this time the meeting was closed to discuss a personal issue.  Council had received a complaint and this was dealt with, and council was informed on what had happened.

9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting February 11th, 2025


MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of January 14th, 2025 be adjourned.





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Monthly Council Meeting
December 10th, 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor (Absent)
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest

3. Residents of 31 Antoinette: The residents did not show up to address council.

4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: The snow removal at this point is slow at this time of the year.  There is a light fixture that will be replaced at the top of the stairs by the Fire Chief office. And the Solar Light will be placed at the Well head in the next day or two.

5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting November 12th 2024

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the minutes for the Monthly Meeting November 12th, 2024, be approved as presented.

a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The final bill has been submitted, and the total cost of the project was $3,185,959.92 with $170,000 to be drawn for the 5% hold back in August 2025. The loan is in repayment for $933,449.83 at 6.89% over the next 25 years.
b) Hydrant: The project has been completed and is up and running, and the department will receiving training before they use the well. The total cost for that project was $130,000.

c) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: There has been progress on the property grounds, however no progress has been made to the structures.
d) Phase 2 Kinsmen Rd: Council still has not received any drawings for Phase 2 yet.
e) Speed Change Request/ Painting of the crosswalks for the veterans: This has been sent to Highways. Councilor Blanchard will get a letter of support from the Miscouche Legion for the crosswalk painting.
f) Waste Go: Council was asked to make a decision as to whether they wanted to go ahead with the project in the West lagoon in the Spring as it will have to budgeted for.

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community go ahead with the Waste Go Product for the Spring of 2025

g) RCMP: The RCMP were contacted, and they will be happy to come and meet with council in the New year.

a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland was absent for the meeting in December so he passed this  to the Fire Chief to give the report: The policy was put in place for weekly clean up checks and they are working out so far. Also it was requested that once a year the community would do a full cleaning including the floors. Santa Run will be December 15 @ 1pm.  They also have a box for letters to Santa for the kids since the postal service is down. The man door and the roof are still leaking in the fire hall and it should be checked. Also there was a plan created for the residents of Dawsyn Crt in the case of a structure fire.  The department would like to meet with the residents in the new year to go over the plan so that they will all be aware of what needs to happen. As there is not enough room in the subdivision to get the trucks in there. Also the lines on the fire hall floor need to be painted after the work is done on the floor.
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo are going good there was an average of 85 people per evening over the last 5 weeks and the amount brought in was $2,314.00. And last Sunday there was only 67 people there due to the weather so we lost $240.00.
c)  Water & Sewer:  Councilor Gillis gave the following report: There was nothing to report.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: Nothing to report on the buildings however council should get the leaks looked into in the fire hall. Council agreed to get some estimate to see what it would cost to get the roof fixed and the man door. Also it was mentioned that the 3 bay doors should be replaced as well.  It was suggested to get some prices to see what the cost will run, as this might have to be a 5 year plan. Also it was suggested to turn the furnace on at the fire hall and the rec center to make sure they work as they have not been running for over a year.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan was absent so no report was given..
f) Finances:   Deputy Mayor Parks gave the following report: Over the last 8 months the community is in a deficit of $94,500.00 a lot of that is from the west lagoon project. And with the new budget being worked on we need to make sure that we have enough funds to pay for projects.
g) Bylaw Committee: Councillor MacAusland gave the following report: There are 2 members of council, the mayor  and 3 residents on the committee. There will be another meeting in January and it was suggested that there be a lox box outside with the main door key and the boardroom key in it so they can get in. They are also looking into the cost of having a lawyer on retainer.  There will be more information after the next meeting.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the community put a lockbox with the main door key and the boardroom key in it for meetings.

8. Total bills paid for the month of October was $98,614.26

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the bills paid last month for $98,614.26 be approved.


a) Pancake Breakfast: council will be doing this again this year on February 22 @ 8:00am

b) Heat Pump for the UV Chamber: Since the electric heater that is in the UV chamber now is drawing too much power council decided to put a heat pump in the chamber. And after getting 6 different quotes. This was done through email with council as it had to go in right away. Councillor Gillis was not involved as it was a conflict of interest for him.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community put a heat pump in the UV Chamber from Palmers Mobile

c) Budget: CAO Perry will start working on the budget and would like council to think about any projects that they would like to see happen this coming fiscal year. It was already discussed about the fire hall needing repairs.  Councillor MacAusland would also like to see a shed for the hydrant so that all the hoses and the electrical boxes would be locked in the shed. Councillor MacAusland also asked about the fire truck that is going to be replaced if the community was going to keep it or sell it, as if they keep it they may want to build a bigger piece on the back maintenance shed to store it. Council will think on this and have some suggestions for next meeting.

10. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting January 14th, 2025


MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of December 10th, 2024, be adjourned.












Monthly Council Meeting
October 8th, 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor (Absent)
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Councillor J Gallant declared a conflict of Interest in 8b

At this time 4 residents from Antoinette asked to address council on the spillway between their properties on 31-29 Antoinette Dr. The community put the subdivision in 17 years ago, and there is a spillway between the 2 properties that is fairly steep. It is now becoming an issue with the resident and the children that are in that subdivision in the winter/spring when the spillway fills up with water and freezes and thaws. 1 child feel in last year and had to be pulled out. The residents want to fix the issue correctly as the drainage comes from the backs of the property through the spillway and out through the ditch. There will need to be culverts put in and filled on top with a bit of a swale to catch any existing water. The residents would like the community to look at this and either pay for it in full or offer a fair amount to have this issued rectified, as it is becoming a safety issue for the children in the neighbourhood.

Mayor Gallant thanked the residents for this information and advised that council will take it under advisement.

3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: There was a blockage in the fire hall again and  he was in contact with MacAusland Construction to have a look at it and they will do the work once they get some time free. They also looked at the floor grates and determined that they will grind the metal down, as replacing them will be quite costly. Monty stated that the salt container would be delivered this week or next. Monty also meet with the ATV Club down at the driveway for the new well, and advised them of the new route towards the tree line of the property, that they can use to be away from the driveway so that the lawn and driveway will not get torn up with traffic

MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the community put plywood on the inside of the salt container up the walls to protect it from the erosion from the salt.

4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting September 10, Special meeting September 30th, and Special meeting October 4th, 2024

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Allan Parks  and carried
THAT the minutes for the  Monthly Meeting September 10th, Special Meeting September 30th, and Special Meeting October 4th, 2024 be approved as presented.

a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The generator will be commissioned tomorrow and the training was today which maintenance attended. .
b) Hydrant: Still no word from the electrician as to when the electrical will be completed. CAO Perry will make contact with the electrician for an update.
c) Generator for the Rec Center: The generator was finally installed at the Rec Center and the transfer switch will be done tomorrow.
d) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: The resident is still progressing on the project.
e) Phase 2 Kinsmen Rd: Council still has not received any drawings for Phase 2 yet.
f) 95 Lady Slipper Dr S: The resident was checking on a preliminary drawing with the surveyor to see if  150ft circle will fit on that lot.
g) Waste Go: Treatment for the West lagoon: council discussed the presentation that was given on Friday, and since they got word back from Environment that they do not approve additive products in the lagoon system, and stated that the municipality can try these products but they must insure that compliance is kept.  If there is impacts due to being out of compliance then the owner/operator will be held responsible.  Council has decided to reach out to other communities that have used the product to get more information.
h) Bylaws: Council requested that we have a bylaw committee made up of a few council and a few residents.  Councillor Gillis will be chair of the committee and Councilor Blanchard will be on the committee as well.

a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report:
Santa Clause run will be December 15 @4 pm. The Christmas dinner will be December 7 @ 6 pm. They had 6 calls last month and the treasure and fundraiser chair positions are opened. 2 members are off the probation period and now are full members. The Ester Finkle Walk will be held October 20. They are currently working on this year budget.
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo are going good there was an average of 95 people per evening over the last 4 weeks and the amount brought in was $4,700. Councillor J Gallant also received a few compliments from residents on the new playground equipment, especially on the swings at SteepleView Heights.  Council received an offer from the Rural Municipality of Linkletter on their projector/screen and sound system in lieu of 6 months of Office space rental.

MOTION moved by Jonathan Gallant seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community take the Projector, Projector Screen, Sound System and Speakers in lieu of 6 months of Office Space Rental from the Rural Municipality of Linkletter.

c)  Water & Sewer:  Councilor Gillis gave the following report: There were 11 disconnects sent out for the sewer non payment accounts. There is a possibility of 1 being disconnected. The question was posed that since the possible disconnect is on Wilfred St on the same side as the new sidewalk, if we had to disconnect them would the community be allowed to dig on their property without there permission. It was requested that IRAC be called to get that questioned answered.

d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: The windows on the side of the fire hall were painted, and the front wall of the building where the fire truck ran into it was fixed. And we are waiting to have the brick work done. CAO Perry will check with the contractor to see when that will be completed.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan was at the Federation Meeting tonight. So no report.
f) Finances:   Councillor Parks gave the following report: The finances look good.
There is 2 term deposit that are coming due in October. 1 for $161,000 and the other for $50,000

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community reinvest the 2 term deposits into a 1 year term @4.00%

Also the bill paying for the suppliers is not working and CAO Perry would like them to pick a number and anything under that number the bills can be paid.

MOTION moved by Jonathan Gallant seconded by Ivan Blanchard
THAT the bills paid for the supplier be set at $1000.00. So anything under $1000.00 can be paid.

7. APPROVAL OF BILLS TOTALING: $15,170.60 already paid and $59,333.80 needing to be approved.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $15,170.60 that were already paid and $59,333.80 that will be paid tomorrow to be approved.

a) Spillway on 31 Antoinette Dr: Council discussed this and has decided to get a legal opinion on the community obligation.
b) Snow Removal Tender 2024/2025: At this time councillor J Gallant left the room for the conflict of interest. Council received 2 tenders for the snow removal contract. 1 from CLS Holding and one from Small Engine Clinic.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland
THAT the community accept the contract from CLS Holding for $12,500.00 for the Snow Removal for 2024/2025 season.

c) Subdivide the Property Main Dr E : council received a request to subdivide the property 32 Main Dr E which is the back lot on 41 Kelly Dr. They would like to subdivide the lot for a single family dwelling

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Corey Gillis
THAT the community approve the plan to subdivide 32 Main Dr E into 2 lots.

d) New Office desk and chair: CAO Perry would like to know if she can buy a new desk and chair for the office.


 MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Charles MacAusland
THAT the community purchase a new office desk and chair up to $2,000.00

e) Personal Issue: At this time Mayor Gallant closed the meeting for council to discuss a personal issue.

After 10 minutes Mayor Gallant opened the meeting back up to the public.

9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting November 12th, 2024


MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of October 8th, 2024 be adjourned.



COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting October 4 2024

Special Council Meeting
Waste Go- Biological Wastewater Treatment
October 4th , 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant  called the meeting to order at 10:30 am

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor (absent)
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor (Absent)
Michelle Perry- CAO
Operator: Preston Sililker
Maintenance: Monty MacAusland
Waste Go President: Colin Brushett

Mayor Gallant opened the meeting and turned the meeting over to Colin Brushett president of Waste Go.  Mr Brushett gave a presentation on how the product works and the benefit that the community would have by using the product on their lagoon.
– 100% environmentally friendly and digests only dead organic waste.
– not harmful to wildlife or operators.
– increases the life span of the lagoon system by 30+ years.
– NSF Certified
– get the best water test result
-increased lagoon capacity


Mayor Gallant thanked everyone for coming to the meeting
Meeting adjourned.


COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting September 19 2024

Special Council Meeting
Hook up to the Sewer
September 19th , 2024

Deputy Mayor Allan Parks  called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor (Absent Conflict of Interest)
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

Deputy Mayor Parks explained to council the information that they have received back from IRAC on whether the council was responsible to pay for any charges if the resident at 28173 Western Rd hooked up to the municipal sewer.  Council discussed this to great lengths and decided that they will allow the resident to hook up to the municipal sewer under these conditions.

1. That the resident will be responsible for all cost to hook into the municipal sewer.
2. The community will take over the line once it is installed
3. The resident will have a reputable contractor that the community agrees with to do the work to hook up the line
4. The resident will pay for the annual sewer rate for the service.
5. The resident will be responsible for all landscaping after the project is completed.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the community have a contract drawn up between the municipality and the resident with the above conditions to be signed by the residents before any work proceeds.

Meeting adjourned.



Monthly Council Meeting
September 10th, 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor (Absent)
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Mayor Gallant declared a Conflict of Interest under 8 c

3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: The Bobcat has been sold for $15,700.00, and there was a blockage at 22 Lady Slipper Dr S but it was the homeowner issue, and 8 Cunningham Dr.  The lateral was replaced to the main.

4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting August 13th, 2024

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Corey Gillis and carried
THAT the minutes for the  Monthly Meeting August 13th,  2024 be approved as presented.

a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The 4th claim was submitted to be paid and the final bill will; be submitted once the deficiency list has been competed.
b) Hydrant: The electrical will be done in about 2-3 weeks the electrician is scheduling it with Maritime Electric.
c) Generator for the Rec Center: The generator has landed on PEI and CAO Perry is waiting for word on when it will be installed.  ACOA extended the project till the end of October. .
d) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: The resident is still progressing on the project.
e) Gas Tax 5 year Plan: Council had time to think about this from the last meeting.

MOTION moved by Jonathan Gallant seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the community put $300,000 towards UV Chamber $100,000 towards sewer upgrades and $100,000 towards the new product to clean the lagoon if allowed.

f) Phase 2 Kinsmen Rd: Council still has not received any drawings for Phase 2 yet.
g) 95 Lady Slipper Dr S: The resident had a pit test done and it came back at Category 1, and now they are working on getting a preliminary drawing done showing the 150 ft circle on the property for the well and septic to fit in.

a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: The monthly meeting was postponed, but he did take a drive in the fire truck to the new well and they will have lots of room for the trucks and to maneuver to the well.
b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo are going good there was an average of 90 people per evening over the last 3 weeks and the amount brought in was $3,000. The playground equipment was installed in both parks and a picture was taken with the legion members that will be posted in the newsletter next quarter.  Also the sign for the park thanking the Legion for the donation will be picked up tomorrow. Mayor Gallant advised that he received a complaint about the wood chips at the new playground and that this can be a fire hazard.  He was advised that the chips are synthetic and they hold water so that they are safe.
c)  Water & Sewer:  Councilor Gillis gave the following report: There was another blockage in the fire hall that had to be snaked and videoed. There is a couple of dips in the line, that will need to be looked into if they become an issue again.  They will video it in a couple of weeks to see if there is any change after a lot of usage. It was suggested that if and when the line needs to be fixed that council really think about doing it correctly and digging up from the new part out to the road and replacing the line.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the community when its time to fix the line in the fire hall bay that it is dug up and done correctly.

d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard was absent for the report:: The windows in the front of the fire hall were painted and the sides ones are suppose to be done as well. Councillor Gillis wanted to bring to the council attention that the grates in the fire hall are going to have to be looked at as the metal inside the grate is starting to shift and this can be dangerous.  Council will have to look into this to see what can be done. Councillor Gillis also wanted to know if there is anyway that a crosswalk can be put in on the main highway between Monaghan and McMillan St.  He was advised that the community had tried before to put in a crosswalk at school st and highways would not do it.  Council advised that if he wants to look into with highways to see what they say.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan gave the following report: There was no meeting last month and the meeting for September might be rescheduled again as well.
f) Finances:   Councillor Parks gave the following report: The finances look good.
The question was asked if the community could change the way bills are being paid, as when the bills come to council they are already paid and the council does not have a chance to dispute a bill.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the community only pay utility bills and staff and hold the supplier bills till the meeting for council to review before being paid.


MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $641,370.38 be approved.

a) Meeting in Welligton September 18 @ 6-8:30 for emergency Preparedness Workshop for any council that would like to go they can register online. CAO Perry will send them the link.
b) Meeting September 23 @ 10:30 am for the Waste Go Safety which is the product to remove the sludge in the lagoons.

c) Request to hook up to the sewer 28173 Western Rd

At this time Mayor Gallant handed the meeting over the Deputy Parks and Mayor Gallant left the meeting due to a Conflict of Interest. Deputy Parks closed the meeting to the Public.

Council discussed to great lengths the option of letting the resident hook up to the sewer.

The meeting was opened back up to the public, the Mayor was gone so Deputy Parks chaired the rest of the meeting.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Pat Maclellan and carried
THAT the community wait till they get confirmation back from IRAC on Section 6.1 from the Water and Sewer Regulations. And then they will call a special meeting to discuss next steps.

MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the community send a bill to MacInnis Group for $15,000.00 for their portion of the sewer installation on the Kinsmen Rd Hook up to the Apartment Buildings.

9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting October 8th, 2024


MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of September 10th, 2024 be adjourned.




Monthly Council Meeting
August 13th, 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. BDO Representative Patrick McSweeney went over the Financial Statement for the year ending March 31st, 2024. There was no questions Mayor Gallant thanked Mr McSweeney for coming out.

3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No One declared a Conflict of Interest

4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: The Bobcat has been cleaned up and ready for sale as soon as council picks a price for it.

MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the council ask $16,500.00 and will go as low as $14,500.00 for the 2011 Bobcat.

5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting July 9th, 2024

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the minutes for the  Monthly Meeting July 9th,  2024 be approved as presented.

a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The final walkthrough for the West lagoon is August 16 @1:30 pm
b) Hydrant: The driveway and the parking lot were completed and we are just waiting for the electrical part to be completed.   The department will have to order an adapter for the hook up and the chief will call the government garage to see about getting some signage  and some guardrails for each side of the driveway.
c) Generator for the Rec Center: CAO Perry sent an email to the contractor to see if the generator left Minnesota on the 12th, and there still has been no word on it.  It was suggested again that Bobby Morrissory office be contacted to make sure the funding will still be approved if it is not installed untill after August 31. Mayor Gallant and Councillor Gillis will set up a meeting.
d) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: The resident is still working on getting the building taken down.
e) Sewer line Kinsmen Rd: This project was completed.
f) Unsightly Bylaw: All the information was sent out to council, and no one provided any feedback so the bylaw will stay as is.
g) Chase the Ace: There has been a hard time to get volunteers to help with this.

 MOTION moved by Jonathan Gallant seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT since the community can not find enough volunteers to help out that they will not be involved with Chase the Ace.

Deputy Parks will inform the Legion on the decision of Council.

a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: The department had 2 call last month. They went to 2 parades and 3 firefighters went to Fire Fit in Truro.  The Christmas party will be December 7th, and the department has a new coin for sale for $15.00 and only 200 were made, and the proceeds are going towards the Monument maintenance. There will be 2 firefighter that will be receiving their 25 year medals, so the community will need to order their watches and 1 more for Robert since he did not receive his last year. The fire truck committee had a pre construction meeting and there is $6,754.00 in extra charges for new fire truck.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the community approve the extra costs totaling $6,754.00 for the New Truck. Also to have the committee check with Fort Garry on the upper body lettering cost.

Also the 30 year medal that was going to be designed by a firefighter is no longer going to happen, so if the community wants to do the medal it cost $150.00 a medal. It was asked to take it back to the committee in the department to bring some samples down to council.

b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo are going good there was an average of 100 people per evening over the last 6 weeks and the amount brought in was $4,800. The new heat pump was installed in the entry and the new playground equipment is being installed in Kelly Dr park and the swings will be put in Steepleview once kelly Dr Park is completed. 2 stoves have to be purchased for the rec center as per the funding.
c)  Water & Sewer:  Councilor Gillis gave the following report: The asphalt in front of 4 Main Dr E has been completed. There was a blockage at 71 Lady Slipper Dr N the telephone pole was put right on top of the sewer line.  So Maritime Electric was out and moved the pole and the line was fixed.  This is a cost to the community as we gave the clearance to dig. Also there was a blockage again at the fire hall yesterday after heavy use from the parish picnic. This is something that may need to be fixed in the near future, or put it on a regular flushing when there is going to be heavy usage.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report:  The windows on the front of the Fire Hall have not been painted yet. Arsenault Painters are coming to have a look at it and give a price.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan gave the following report: The last meeting was about getting some information from the 57 Municipalities on PEI to see what their current revenues are and where they are struggling.  This information will go back to the Federation for a report to be done.
f) Finances:   Councillor Parks gave the following report: The finances look good.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the Financial Statement for the year ending March 31 2024 be approved as presented.


MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $209,202.20 be approved.

Patrick MacLellan voted NO as council did not technically approve the purchase of the Kubota Tractor

a) 95 Lady Slipper Dr S: The resident sent a request to council to see about building on the property 64030 which is 19,166 sq ft. and it also has half of a garage on the property, that belongs to the adjacent property which they own as well. The government rules are since they have onsite water and sewer they need to have 25,000 square ft. So it was suggested that the property owner get a test pit done to see if they will give her a category 1 status.
b) Phase 2 Kinsmen Rd: The property owner is looking to do phase 2 of the project on the Kinsmen Rd.

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community give preliminary approval for Phase 2 of the project for the Kinsmen Rd McInnis Group Subdivision, with the condition that the property owner will have to hook up to the municipal sewer at their expense.

c) Gas Tax 5 year Plan: The gas tax Plan is up for renewal, so council will have to decide where they want to spend the next 5 years of Gas Tax on. It was requested that council be sent what the criteria is and if a new UV chamber for the East Lagoon will qualify for funding. CAO Perry stated that she will send this information to every council member so that they will have a decision next meeting for what they want to spend the funding on.

10. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting September 10th, 2024


MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of August 13th, 2024 be adjourned.




Monthly Council Meeting
July 9th, 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No One declared a Conflict of Interest

3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: The new tractor was ordered and should be here by next week. And the new front tires will be installed on the bobcat tomorrow. Council discussed selling the old tractor but tabled it till next meeting so they can check into see what tractor are selling for. There was a bunch of garbage cans knocked over last night from Wilfred St all through Lot 16.  Monty spent a couple of hours this morning cleaning up garbage on the sidewalks. Councillor Gillis also advised that sewer pipes for the seniors housing on Kelly Apartment A goes out to Lady Slipper Dr S. And B & C goes to Kelly Dr.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the council get the bobcat detailed before they sell it.

4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting June 11th, and Special Meeting June 20th, 2024

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the minutes for the  Monthly Meeting June 11th, and Special Meeting June 20th, 2024 be approved as presented.

a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The fence poles are in, and the landscaping and generator still needs to be completed.
b) Hydrant: AJL has not started yet, and the government will fix the culvert so that the water will run through it better.
c) Generator for the Rec Center: CAO Perry sent an email to ACOA to see if the community paid the invoice in full and just took a picture when the generator was installed if that will affect the funding. She was also speaking with the contractor and informed council that he is able to contact another supplier to see if they can get a generator quicker.  Council stated that we should also be checking with Bobby Morrissey office to see if he can guarantee the funding from ACOA.
d) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: Council received information from the resident that they are removing the siding off the building and they are still checking to see what it would cost to demo the building.  Council had another discussion about updating or creating a new unsightly bylaw.  CAO Perry stated that she will send every council the bylaw from Tignish and they can review and let her know what they want added to the bylaw.
e) Sewer line Kinsmen Rd: This project was started on Monday.  Council still has not heard if the  Minister has found any funding for it yet. CAO Perry will check with Minister Arsenault Office.

f) Summer Program: There are 3 students from Miscouche hired for the program and 1student  volunteer.  There are 22-25 kids registered for the program.

MOTION moved by Corey Gillis seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the community give the summer student that is volunteering $300.00 for helping out for the program.

a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: The department had 3 call last month. And they are looking at doing a fundraiser for the department and want to know if the community will let them use the Rec Center for Free and how will the bar sales be divided.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the community allow the Fire Department to use the Rec Center free of charge for a fundraiser.

Allan Parks voted NO Motion Carried.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the profits for the bar for the fundraiser will go towards the new fire truck.

b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo are going good the numbers are going down a little due to time of year. New Playground equipment will be installed in August
c)  Water & Sewer:  Councilor Gillis gave the following report: The asphalt in front of 4 Main Dr E has not been done yet where the repairs were done. Councillor Gillis asked if the contractor could be contacted to see about finishing it.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: The heat pump at the Rec Center was fixed. The windows on the front of the Fire Hall have not bee painted yet. 2 ceiling tiles in the main floor at the rec center were replaced.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan gave the following report: He did not attend the last meeting so there is nothing to report.
f) Finances:   Councillor Parks gave the following report: Everything is going good with the funds for the community.


MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $42,764.74 be approved.

a) Thank you card from the Bursary winner: A thank you card was read to council from the 2024 Bursary winner Connor Arsenault.  Connor will be attending Holland College in the Fall for Carpentry Course.
b) ATV Club signage on the Fence at the West Lagoon; The ATV club is asking if they can put signage on the fence at the West Lagoon.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Corey Gillis and carried
THAT the community allow the ATV Club to put a limited amount of signs on the fence at the West Lagoon.

c) Rate increase from Prince County Waste Water: Council received a rate increase of $250.00 plus HST from Prince County Waster Water now that the new cell is working at the West Lagoon.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the community accept the rate increase of $250.00 plus HST effective July 1 2024.

d) Sidewalks: There were 8 sidewalk stones that were replaced in the community as they were tripping hazards. The day before the stone was replaced at the Kelly Park entrance someone fell and broke their arm and glasses.  This was never reported to the community therefore none of the council members knew anything about it.  CAO Perry went to visit the person today however they were not home.

9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting August 13th, 2024


MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of July 9th, 2024 be adjourned.


COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Special Meeting June 20 2024

Special Council Meeting
Chase the Ace
June 20th , 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

Mayor Gallant opened the meeting and passed the meeting over to Deputy Mayor Parks. Deputy Parks went over the information that they received from the meeting with the Chase the Ace committee.  The community and the legion will each put in $10,000 to start. The community will have to do every second Saturday selling tickets at the legion from 11-3 until the cards decrease then they will need to do more shifts. The 2 partners will receive there split once the expenses are paid.  It was put out to council to see who wanted to participate in selling tickets. All accepted except the Mayor he stated that he would not. It was also discussed about how many times they would participate in the fundraiser and it was suggested to agree to at least twice.  It was also discussed on what the funds would be used for and how they wanted to advertise. It was unclear at the end of the meeting if council wanted to advertise on what the funds will be used for.  They also wanted to get some residents to volunteer to sell tickets, so it was advertised in the newsletter.

Mayor Gallant thanked everyone for coming.

Meeting adjourned.



Monthly Council Meeting
June 11th, 2024

Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Albert Gallant  – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Charles MacAusland  Councillor
Corey Gillis  Councillor
Patrick MacLellan Councillor
Jonathan Gallant Councillor
Michelle Perry- CAO

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No One declared a Conflict of Interest

3. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Monty MacAusland gave the following report: The sewer flushing was done and it took 3.5 days and there was videoing done in a couple of spots. 599 Route 12 which goes through the field and back to the West Lagoon.  There was a huge root ball in the pipe which they cleaned out. The seniors apartments on Kelly Dr, Monty was not sure which way the pipes come out from the buildings. And the jetter got stuck in one of the pipes there as the line was capped off with sand bags.  And he wanted council to think about getting those lines fixed.  Councillor Gillis stated that he will ask to see if he can find out where the lines come out for the seniors building. Monty also stated that he has his name on a storage container for the salt from Corcoran’s for $5,500.00 when they get some new ones in.

4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Monthly Meeting May 12th , Closed Meeting May 22nd , and Special Meeting May 27th, and 1st reading of the remuneration Bylaw 2024-01 June 10th, 2024.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the minutes for the  Monthly Meeting May 12th , Closed Meeting May 22nd , and Special Meeting May 27th, and 1st reading of the remuneration Bylaw 2024-01 June 10th, 2024 be approved as presented.

a) West Lagoon Upgrades: The Lift Station and the UV Chamber were commissioned last week, and the fence is going in this week and Augustine street was paved.
b) Hydrant: The tenders closed for the Parking lot and driveway and AJL Limited was awarded the tender.  They will start sometimes this month.
c) Remuneration Bylaw: The second reading for the Bylaw 2024-01 was read by Deputy Parks

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Charles MacAusland and carried
THAT the 2nd reading for the Remuneration Bylaw 2024-01be approved as presented.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the Remuneration Bylaw 2024-01 be adopted as presented.

d) Unsightly Property 100 Lady Slipper Dr S: The resident of the property asked if council could extend the deadline as he was in an accident and does not have any means of travel at the moment. And there was no way that he was going to meet the deadline of June 21 2024.
e) Sewer line Kinsmen Rd: The community received 3 tenders for the project. Stewart Enterprise , AJL Limited and Curran Briggs.  The recommendation came back from WSP to award the lowest bidder Stewart Enterprise  the project.

MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the community award Stewart Enterprise the tender for the extension of the Sewer Line Kinsmen Rd in the amount of $ 99,454.87 plus HST

f) Summer dinner for council: 7:00 pm Friday June 14 @ Brothers Two
g) Generator at the Rec Center: Council received the letter back from the supplier stating that the generator will be leaving Minnesota August 12 and arriving August 15.  The supplier did give council 2 solutions
1. They could but a temporary generator on a trailer till the new one comes in.
2. He has a propane one for another customer that he can see if they will wait for another one and they will install that one for us.

Council discussed it and they decided to check with Bobby Morrissey office to see if they can get the funding extended from ACOA until the generator arrives.

a) Fire Dept: Councilor MacAusland gave the following report: The department had 2 call last month. And they are going to get their group photo done in the fall. The department did not want to give there boot drive money for the new truck, as they use these funds for their operating money.  The department also wanted to know if they could do the log books quarterly instead of monthly.  Council requested them monthly. They also had to order a new AED machine as the old machine finally quite working, and the department wanted to know if council would add cost to this year equipment budget. The truck committee meet with the supplier and there was a few things taken off the new truck and few things added, so the committee is waiting to see what the cost difference will be.  Councillor MacAusland also asked the Deputy Chief Trowsdale who authorized the department to take the #132 over to Wolfville for the training weekend, as the council had no knowledge of this.  He advised that the chief would have gave the authority. Since the Chief was not their to respond, council discussed about putting a policy together and have the Mayor talk with the Chief.

MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland seconded by Jonathan Gallant and carried
THAT the community add the new AED to this year equipment budget.

b) Recreation, Park, Playgrounds and Green Spaces: Councilor J Gallant gave the following report: Bingo are going good it is averaging about 100 people per week. And the profit last month was $3,780.00. Also the barriers for the old playground equipment were removed and the structure is 20 years old, so he wanted to know what council wanted to do with it. The new equipment will be installed in August and it will be far enough away from the old structure.

c)  Water & Sewer:  Councilor Gillis gave the following report: Dawsyn Crt was not flushed on the schedule this year as maintenance could not find the manholes as they were buried.  CAO Perry spoke with one of the owners and advised them to have them marked before the landscaping was done. Councillor Gillis also inquired about the repairs that needed to be fixed on the community side.  It was explained that the contractor that did the work advised that in order to fix it the road would have to be dug up, so council will just leave the pipe as is and flush it every year.
d) Repairs, Maintenance and Village Properties: Councilor Blanchard gave the following report: The heat pump at the Rec Center was not working again so the part was ordered to fix it.  The windows on the front of the Fire Hall will get painted but it is a 2 person job because of the overhanging just below the windows.
e) PEI Federation of Municipalities: Councillor MacLellan gave the following report: There was some new funding that is available to help with infrastructure of water and sewer, however there is some stipulations on who qualifies for it.  So the federation was looking to see if there was a way to get the funding more simplified. There was also a question on the Tax Revenue that comes back to the municipalities.  There is a break down on the percentage that municipality gets, and Councillor MacLellan will have it forwarded to the office

f) Finances:   Councillor Parks gave the following report: Everything is going good with the funds for the community, but there are still a lot of things that need to be paid out this year, so council needs to be mindful of those cost.


MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $38,567.21 be approved.

a) Chase the Ace: Council received the information back from the Legion on the requirements. Council has some questions about some of them, but they are interested in joining with the Legion. Deputy Parks will set up a meeting with the Chase the Ace Committee, Councillor J Gallant and Councillor MacLellan to get some of the questions answered so they can make a decision on behalf of the community.

MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Pat Maclellan and carried
THAT the community show their interest in joining Chase the Ace with the Legion.

9. NEXT MEETING: Monthly Meeting July 9th, 2024


MOTION moved by Charles MacAusland that the meeting of June 11th, 2024 be adjourned.