COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- December 13th, 2016
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Regular Monthly Meeting
December 13th , 2016
Vice Chairperson, Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Vice-Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor Ricky Myers – Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor Joan Arsenault- Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
(Absent) Chairperson Peter Mallett
2. FIRE DEPARTMENT: No one from the Fire Department present to give the report.
3. Laura Crozier-Myers and her Husband are applying to have there lot rezoned from Residential to Commercial on Augustine St. As they are applying for a Dealerships License. Notice was in the paper for a public meeting in January. They did not show up to give there presentation to council.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: There has been a lot of damage from the plows around the community. There has been 2 man holes that were removed off 1 on Laughlin street and 1 on Kelly dr. we have been keeping records of the damaged as well as the asphalt that was removed off the side of the sidewalk on Lady Slipper Dr S. Highways was notified about some of the damages. And they stated that they will repair it in the spring. Council decided not to send them a bill at this time and to just keep tracking the issues to see if they improve.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: New Bingo schedules were given out, No new cards were ordered yet.
(At this time 7:10 Pat MacLellan Councilor came in)
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the minutes of the November 8th , 2016 meeting be approved as presented.
a) Fire dept Bills. Only 1 bill was submitted for the Annual renewal of Fire Chief Association which was paid.
b) Life Insurance: Sun life was in touch and they stated that the only way to get a group Life Insurance was to have either Disability or Medical with it. 1 there is not enough salary to have Disability and Medical maybe to expensive to get. Ivan will check with a councilor from Summerside to see if they have any Life Insurance on the councilors
c) Lecky Properties: No word from the lawyer on the properties. Michelle will call Andrew Campbell to see what the progress is.
a) Fire Dept: 9 calls last month Medical- Mutual Aid-
February is election month for the Chief and Training Officer.
Christmas dinner was good there was 88 plates purchased Ivan will check with Gary to see if there was a lot people didn’t show up.
Ricky is going to take over Ivan position with the Fire Department. On a trial bases to see how it goes.
b) Building Permits: Nothing to report
c) Sewer: There was 1 complaint from a resident about the increase in Sewer bill and this was sent to IRAC. They are looking into it as it was a good complaint on the increase it it was more than 50%. Waiting to hear back from the Commissions to see what they will do.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: There was several new LED putt in on Main Dr. As well as some of the old ones replaced and All thanks to Ivan Blanchard the Maritime Electric bill has been the lowest in years.
e) Community Improvements: Grant nothing back on that yet.
f) Finance: Nothing to report
g) Acadian Purchase Trust: They have received the Royalties.
9. APPROVAL OF BILLS $26,908.08
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan 2nd by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $26,908.08 be approved.
a) Miscouche 200 Celebration: After much discussion it was decided to keep the flag design at Miscouche Consolidated and have it worded that there will be up to $1000.00 in prizes. And the deadline will be March 31st 2017.
b) John is looking to square off his land on Kelly Dr by buying a piece off of the under sized lot that back onto his. And he was not sure if he needs a public meeting will talk to Peter to find out.
Joan wanted to know if she can build a duplex on her property on Laughlin St.
c)Ivan said that he read that Tyne Valley put there sewer maintenance up for Tender and wonder if we should do the same here. They decided to leave as is for this year.
d) Judy watch is not in yet and the picture will be picked up tomorrow, Council is looking to present this to here before Christmas.
Will be held on Tuesday, January 10th, 2017 7:00 P M