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Monthly Council Meeting
March 9th, 2021
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: No one declared a conflict of interest
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor John Searle gave the following report: 3 firefighters will be taking there level 2. There was some concerns on having all the members in the hall for a meeting and at this time they will not be having meeting in the hall with everyone as the risk are too high, that if someone gets Covid the whole department can be shut down, so they are going to try Zoom meetings to see how that goes. The executive is in the process of reviewing the policies and updating them. Bunker Gear was cleaned annually by a commercial company. They are going to have training from Forestry for all members and they there is a Portable Decontamination Kit which sells for $1440.00. 8 members that belong to Standard Areo have donated 800.00 towards it and this leaves $640.00 left to pay which the depart would like to know if the community will cost share the expense. There was a concern about the cost of the chemicals to use with it. Jason did not have the cost on hand and stated that he didn’t think it would be that much as they do not have a structure fire very often.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the Community contribute $320.00 towards the cost of the Decontamination Kit for the fire department.
The department is hoping to have the Memorial Service to unveil the monument this fall as long as restrictions have been lifted and it is safe to do so. Chief Jason Woodbury was appointed to the Canadian Fire Chiefs and hopes to get a lot out of the meeting which will be held on Zoom so no travel necessary. He is looking forward to learning a lot to help the community on mitigation. Also Jason heard back from the manufacture on the new truck and was advised that it can take up to 14 months to get a new truck as they are behind due to Covid and also that the pricing has changed. Also there are 4 new members for the department Mitchell Myers, Paul Walsh, Ben Gallant and Cameron Trowsdale.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the Community accept the 4 new firefighters into the department to begin there 6 month probation.
a) Maintenance worker Monty MacAusland gave the following report: Some minor maintenance needs to be done on the Blower a new drum and new skid plates for the Bobcat. Also with the new generators being installed Monty wanted to make council aware that a big diesel truck would not be able to get in the East Lagoon, and he wanted to know if it was feasible to have our own tank or buy it from someone in the community that has there own tank. Council wanted to get some more information before deciding. This will be tabled till the next meeting.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Jacqueline gave the following Bingo report: Bingo has been closed for the last 2 weeks due to the Circuit Breaker measures that were put in place by Public Health. Also it was requested from the Bingo staff to see if we could apply for an additional 20 people. Committee decided not to at this time as the uncertainty of being closed by public health and having the new cohort use the washrooms upstairs was not an option at this time. The tables for the bingo are in bad need of an update so Jacqueline was wondering if it is possible to paint them black. A new table would cost $130.00 and we could buy 2 gallons of paint and be able to paint all the tables for that price.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the tops of the tables at the Rec Center for the Bingo be painted 2 coats of black paint.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting Minutes for February 9th and Special Meeting February 8th, February 22 and March 8th 2021.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the minutes for February 9th , and Special Meeting February 8th, February 22 and march 8th 2021 be approved as presented.
a) West Lagoon: ICIP Funding Michelle is working on getting this application filled out and submitted to the government.
b) Adoption of the Proposed Budget for 2021/2022. Finance Chair Allan Parks went over the final totals for the proposed budget for 2021/2022. Fire Department Budget $104,500.00 Fire Hall/ Municipal Building Budget $ 90,200.00 Administration Budget $100,750.00 Street Lights and Community Service Budget $26,000.00 Reserve Funds $ 80,000.00 and Rec Center Budget of $67,200.00 Totaling $468,650.00 Revenues of $484,619.72 and Sewer budget of $ $87,500.00.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the Proposed Budget for 2021/2022 be adopted as presented.
c) IRAC Rate Analysis: The $15 increase for 2021 has been approved by IRAC under the understanding that we will submit another proposal for 2022. The possibility of the increase to double the sewer rate over the next 5 years which would be a $44.00 increase a year. It was requested that we get a rate analysis for the increase for 3 years and 5 years and see what the difference is.
d) Corcoran’s farms: Michelle was unable to find the bylaw that was submitted in 2003 and requested a copy from Municipal Affairs. So when she receives it this information will be sent to council.
e) 1st and 2nd reading for the Amendment: So no public should up for the Public Hearing last night. Reading will be 1st Reading March 22 and March 23 for the 2nd reading starting at 6:00 pm.
f) Newsletter: The newsletter for next quarter will go out for April 1st
a) Fire Dept: Already discussed
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- New house build 26 Laughlin St
c) Sewer: Disconnect date for the delinquent accounts will be March 12. Still 5 residents have not heard from out of 1o letters that were delivered.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: nothing to discuss.
e) Community Improvements: Council is discussing that an angle Iron be put at the top of the door rather than a wind break. This will be looked into.
f) Finances:
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $ 36,578.04 is approved.
a) Disable Washroom: Since the Municipal building does not have a disable washroom council thought that this might be a good idea to invest in. Michelle will see about getting a contractor to have a look to see if this is possible in the space that we have.
b) Donation for Legion Command: Council received the annual request for the donation for the Veteran Book.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the Community purchase 1/10th of a black and white ad for the Veteran’s Book for 2021 at a cost of $230.00.
c) Quotes for Back up Pumps for the Lift Station: Michelle received a quote from Xylem for the back up pumps for the Kinsmen Rd and the Lift Station at the East Lagoon totaling $24,045.00. Pat asked if the new pumps can be used now and the old pumps serviced and kept for the back ups. Definitely a good idea to look at.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the community purchase the 2 back up pumps for the Kinsmen Rd and the East Lagoon and to apply to see if the Gas Tax can be used for the Pumps.
d) Snow hill for the kids: Pat asked if it would be possible that next year we have a snow hill somewhere in the community for the kids. Council will look at this in November to see what the options are.
e) Rec Center Rental: A request was brought forward to see if it was possible for a resident to rent the Rec Center for a Hockey Party and to have all the beer at the center that is expired sold at cost to the participants. It was suggested that the Liquor Commission would have to be asked as we do hold the Liquor License for the establishment and we would not want to lose it. Michelle will call the Liquor Commission and let council know what they say.
11. NEXT MEETING: 1st reading for Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw March 22nd and 2nd reading March 23rd, 2021 Monthly Meeting April 13th, 2020
MOTION moved by John Searle THAT the meeting of March 9th, 2021 be adjourned.