COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- Monthly Meeting June 11 2019
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Monthly Council Meeting
June 11, 2019
Mayor Albert Gallant called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Albert Gallant – Mayor
Allan Parks – Deputy Mayor
Jacqueline Lecky- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
John Searle- Councillor
Ivan Blanchard- Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Fire Chief Jason Woodbury, Tara Simmons BDO and 1 resident.
Tara Simmons from BDO went over the 2019 Financial Statement.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the 2019 Financial Statement be approved as presented.
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Joan Arsenault declared a conflict of interest in Business Arising 7d.
3. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chief Jason Woodbury gave the following statement as John was not at the monthly meeting. Summer Party is booked for July 15th, and the department is looking for the annual budget of $600.00 towards the food for the party. Jason meet with the logistics for the Congress and they are going to pay for 6 fire fighters for up to 20 hrs each to man the station for August 14 and the morning of the 15. The Scott paks were tested and 1 completely failed so Jason ordered 3 as 2 were budgeted and the 3rd one needs to be replaced the bill for these will be $35,420.00, however they are throwing in 3 carbon tanks for free. Memorial weekend in Ottawa in September and Jason is asking that council reconsider and give the 1 person going the meal allowance. It was repeated again that council gave the budget of $1200.00 towards the trip and that what they allowed.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Michelle gave the following report: Monty went around the community to see how many sidewalk stones need to be replaced through the community and there is a total of 26. There is 1 estimate of $250.00 per stone better deal if all are done, and council wanted to get a price on asphalt on the walkway behind the fire hall. This work will need to be done before the Congress if possible.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the 3 estimates be obtained and that council will be contacted by email or phone and then the decision will be made on which contractor to go with.
There is some painting around the Fire Hall structure on the outside.MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the 3 estimates be obtained and that council will be contacted by email or phone and then the decision will be made on which contractor to go with.
On Sunday there was farm tractor that came through the community and knocked down the Office sign close to the road. Michelle contacted the RCMP and they gave her the driver information. Council agreed on getting the sign replaced and bill the driver for this. Michelle will contact the driver and let him know. And she will have Monty take the sign in to get an estimate to have it replaced.
5. REC CENTER REPORT: Robert has requested a closed meeting with council to discuss some concerns. Michelle will check with him to see what is best for him and council.
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes for May 14th and Special Meeting June 5th, 2019 be approved as presented.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the minutes for May 14th, and Special Meeting June 5th, 2019 be approved as presented.
a) Corner of Main & Lady Slipper: Albert spoke with Stephen Yeo and he assured him that the work will be completed by July 1st, 2019..
b) Computer Upgrades: Michelle got a quote between 1500.00 And 2000.00. However council can also just purchase a Micro Soft 365 software instead of a new computer.
MOTION moved by John Searle seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT a new computer be purchased for the office with the software that needs to put on it.
c) Speed Bumps Wilfred St: Albert spoke with Stephen Yeo about speed bumps on Wilfred St and they can put them in, so he asked Pat to give him the address as where they need to go in.
d) Heat Pump Quotes: Joan Arsenault stepped out as she was in a conflict of interest.
Council obtained 3 quotes for the heat pump at the Rec Center Spencer Plumbing & Heating, Thomas Edison and Gills Heating, after going over the quotes Council wen with the lowest tender.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT Gillis Heating be awarded the contract for the new heat pump at the Rec Center for a price of $ 5,060.00
a) Fire Dept: Already Discussed
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- Permit fees increase. Allan has presented council with the new building permit structure fees for the community. Residential Development: $.20 per sq ft
Minimum $50.00 Maximum $200.00 Industrial -Commercial-Institutional & Recreation Development $.20 per sq ft Minimum $50.00 Maximum $300.00. Agricultural Development: $.20 per sq ft Minimum $50.00 Maximum $300.00. Agricultural Development: $.20 per sq ft Minimum $50.00 Maximum $300.00. Subdivision of Land: $100.00 for the first lot plus $50.00 for each additional lot.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Jacqueline Lecky and carried
THAT the New Structure fees be accepted as presented.
c) Sewer: Bills: 16 letters were delivered and a couple have came in to pay already.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Albert will get the 3 pole # for the street lights.
e) Community Improvements: Already discussed.
f) Finances:
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the payment of the bills totaling $25,473.92 is approved.
a) Options for the West Lagoon: There were 5 options given for the new upgrades to the West Lagoon, Council discussed it and decided to go with option 1 or 2 depending on if the community can secure the land. This has been tabled till a future meeting to make sure that the land can be secured.
b) Community Bursary: Council has received 3 application for the bursary 2 from Three Oaks and 1 from the French School. After going over the marks and the application council voted.
MOTION moved by Jacqueline Lecky seconded by John Searle and carried
THAT the Community Bursary be awarded to Marcus Gauthier.
c) Summer Student: We have been approved for 1 student from federal still waiting on Provincial.
MOTION moved by Allan Parks seconded by Ivan Blanchard and carried
THAT the 2 summer students be hired to run the kids program this year for 8 weeks at the Rec Center.
d) Prince County Mayors Meeting: It was recently on the news that the mayor from Summerside and Alberton were looking to get a meeting with all the Prince County Mayor to discuss the options for hiring a By Law Enforcement Officer. No-one has contacted Albert yet about this.
e)Tape Recorder: Ivan suggested on buying a tape recorder for the meeting so that nothing gets missed and there will be a digital recording.
MOTION moved by Ivan Blanchard seconded by Allan Parks and carried
THAT the Community purchase a digital recorder for the meeting.
f) Curran Briggs Pit: Curran Briggs got back to Albert about pushing back the brush and they are too busy to do it now so they advised Albert to get someone else to do it. Albert will contact John DesRoches to see if he is available.
11. NEXT MEETING: July 9th, 2019
MOTION moved by John Searle THAT the meeting of June 11th, 2019 be adjourned.