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Monthly Council Meeting
March 20th, 2018
Meeting for March 13th 2018 was cancelled due to a pending storm and not enough for a Quorum.
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7;00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor (Absent)
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Chief Jason Woodbury, 4 Residents and 2 Non Residents.
Ivan Blanchard thanked everyone for coming out to the meeting and advised that this was a council meeting and the public can listen but not engage in the conversation.
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Jason gave the following report. Jason just wanted to say that they are a progressive Fire Department and this helps serve the Community more effective. And that the proposed cut for the Fire Department was 15%and that the services will be effected and the Fire department was the only division that was cut. The outlying communities fire dues were being increased by $10.00 per year. Other departments look up to this department and the community was giving raises to there staff but cutting public service and the fire services is what drives and builds communities. But at the end of the day the fire department will still have a good relationship with the community and that this is not personal it’s a business deal.
Ivan mentioned to Jason that he was not happy that the press release was not given to the community and that they certainly would not send out a press release on the fire department with giving it to them first. Jason stated that he met with John Gillis and Ivan Blanchard and advised that he would be sending out the press release.
Pat MacLellan asked how fire service would be effected with out the I Net computers which is what was being cut out of the Equipment budget. Jason stated that was fine to cut the I Net computers from the budget but that council was actually cutting the equipment budget by 15%.
Robin Gillis stated that the last year budget was $30,000.00 and they spent over $40,000.00 and this year it was set at $28,000.00 so that is only $2,000.00 in the difference.
Jason explained again that it was over a 15 month budget and that is why the equipment cost was up to $40,000.00 for the extra 3 months as per the new Municipal Government Act. This 15 month budget is just for this year to get to the new year end of March 31st, Jason also was concerned about the travel being cut as it was important to have someone represent the community in Ottawa at the fallen firefighter memorial service in September as they were a big help when Captain Mike Gallant died. And that if they didn’t want to send the chief or deputy then they should consider sending a councillor.
Ivan stated that he heard that the Government was looking into putting the I Net computers In every fire Department across the Island. Jason said that they were talking but that there was nothing on paper committing the government to do so. Ivan also stated that the community does respect the Fire Department for what they do and they have always supported them, and that safety is their number one concern when it comes to the fire department and the council does not think at this time that the computers are necessary at this time for the $12,000.00 that it cost to have them put in 2 trucks and then the software to be installed at $500.00 and a cost of $336.00 annually for the service. Jason stated that they were budgeting on a 3 year plan to have all the trucks with the computers 2 this year 2 next year and then 1 the year after. It was suggested to lobby the government to see if they are going to commit to putting those computers in the Fire departments across the Island.
Council thanked Jason for coming and he left as he had another meeting to attend.
3.REC CENTER REPORT: Michelle Perry gave the following report as Robert gallant was unable to attend the meeting. There is 1 room upstairs that still has carpet that needs to be replaced and Robert will get quotes before the next meeting as well as there are some lights on the main floor that the Ballast is gone and can not be replaced, so Robert will get some quotes before the next meeting. Iva also mentioned that there was an issue with the furnace on the past weekend at the Rec Center so there will need to be some work done on that as well as the expansion tank needs to be replaced
4.MAINTENANCE REPORT: Nothing to report.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: for Annual Meeting March 21st, 2017, February 13th, 2018, February 20th, 2018 February 21st, 2018 Annual Meeting March 6th, 2018 and the 2017 Financial Statement from BDO
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the minutes for Annual Meeting March 21st, 2017, February 13th, 2018, February 20th, 2018 February 21st, 2018 Annual Meeting March 6th, 2018 and the 2017 Financial Statement from BDO be approved as presented.
a) Fire Hall Door: Wellington Construction have not completed the work yet on the Fire Hall Door. Ivan asked Ricky Myers to contact them to get an update as to when the work will be completed.
a) Fire Dept: Ivan wanted to mention that he attended a meeting for the fire district committee and that the rates will be increased for the outlying areas for 2018 to $10.00 per year per category. –
And that there will be a charge of $5.00 per year for vacant lots which there are 445 and 265 single family homes. And that the increase will start in April 2018.
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- No permits,
c) Sewer: Bills are all ready to go out for April 1st, 2018
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: The speed light sign the last digit is out Michelle will call to have it fixed.
e) Community Improvements: It was suggested to see if there can be a better parking pad at the walking trail either with gravel or have it fenced off for the vehicles. Ivan stated that he will have a look into it.
f) Finance: nothing to report.
MOTION moved by Joan Arsenault seconded by Ricky Myers and carried
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $26,018.57 is approved.
a) Passing of the 2018 Budget: After much discussion over this year budget council has made the decision.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried
THAT the Budget for 2018 that was presented at the Annual General meeting on March 6th, 2018 be passed and presented.
b) Painting: A local artist from Tyne Valley Nan Ferrier dropped off a painting of Miscouche to see if the community was interested in buying it for a price of $800.00. With a possibility of putting it on loan at the Museum or at the seniors club.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the painting be purchased for $800.00, and the Community will put a plaque on the back saying it belongs to the Community.
c) PEI Command: Email was sent from the PEI Command asking to support the Veteran book again this year at a price of $280.00 same as what was paid last year.
MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried
THAT the donation of $280.00 for the Veteran’s Book be given to the PEI Command.
d) Bursary: The High School Bursary is coming up again and the School would like to know if the Community will be participating again.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried
THAT the Community participate in the $1000.00 Bursary for a Community Resident graduating and attending Post Secondary University or College.
11. NEXT MEETING: April 10th, 2018