COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES- February 13th, 2018

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Monthly Council Meeting
February 13th, 2018

Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7;00 P.M.

Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councillor
Robin Gillis- Councillor
Pat MacLellan – Councillor
Joan Arsenault – Councillor
Ricky Myers- Councillor
Michelle Perry- Administrator


Paul Perry deputy Fire Chief

2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Paul Perry gave the following report: West Prince Mutual Aid had there annual dinner at the Fire hall on Sunday February 11th, 2018. They had a good attendance and they are planning on doing more training this fall. Paul also wanted to speak on behalf of Jason on the trip to Ottawa and how important it is to have someone there to represent the Community, as they have a good relationship with the Chief from other provinces. Ivan stated that safety is there first concern with the Fire department and that might be a better place to invest the money than a trip as the Fire Department is sending 2 representatives to Ottawa for the memorial so the Community will be represented. Paul suggested that if Council did not plan to keep this as an annual event that this should be relayed to Chief and to inform him on the plans that Council decides.

Council thanked Paul for coming and he left.

Council further discussed the Fire department budget and have decided to have an another meeting on February 20th at 7:00pm to go over the numbers again in the budget and get it ready for the public.

At this time Jason Woodbury stopped in to see if any council had any questions on the budget, and to inform that the Monument that they are trying to erect was not in the budget as they are hoping to have all the money from donations, and if not this will not be erected till next year.

Ivan also addressed Jason behavior and asked him to be more professional to contractors that were coming in to do work and also staff.

Council Thanked Jason and he left the meeting.

3.REC CENTER REPORT: Nothing to report..

4.MAINTENANCE REPORT: Michelle spoke on behalf of Monty as he wanted to inform council that the reason he was using so much salt was that when he cleans the sidewalk the plow goes by and fills them back in which then he has to go back out to clean them and salt them again. Council did not have any issues with this as they stated that Monty was doing a great job keeping the sidewalks clear

5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: for January 9th and Budget Meeting January 31st, 2018

MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the minutes of the January 9th, and Budget Meeting January 31st, 2018 meeting be approved as presented.


a) Fire hall door: Wellington construction was contacted and the door was ordered so they are waiting for it to come in then they will be out to do the work.
b) Critical Care Insurance: Cooke’s Insurance was called and they insurance company will not split the rates for the Critical Care. However the price for the complete insurance up to age 75 years is 1.15 per $1000.00 for 40 illness is $14,490.00 per year and for 24 Illness it would be $12,600.00. And if they went with 40 illness up to 70 years for 39 people it would be $8073.00. Since there is a big difference in the price and not everyone would qualify Council decided not to go ahead with the Critical care insurance at this time.

MOTION moved by John Gillis, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the Critical Care Insurance not be purchased at this time and can be looked at again Next Year.

c) Budget: Council has decided to have another Budget meeting on February 20th 2018 at 7:00pm to make the necessary changes to the Budget.
d) By Laws: There are 7 mandatory By laws that need to be in place by December 31st 2018, and the election one by July 2018. Council has asked Michelle to have the templates ready for Council on February 20th, 2018 so that they can review and get ready to work on By Laws once the budget is approved.
e) Congress Mondial: They sent another reminder for the bill for the 2018 dues of $500.00 and that the money will be spent back on the Island for all the activities they have planned.

MOTION moved by Ricky Myers, seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT the payment of $500.00 for the 2018 dues for the Congress be paid.

f) Sidewalk Damage on Kelly Dr: The amount has been paid in full by Arsenault Saw Mill.

a) Fire Dept: Nothing more to report
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- No permits,
c) Sewer: There are 2 properties in Miscouche that are rental properties that have been vacant and the homeowners do not live in the province. The Sewer bills are getting up there one owes $313. And the other $183 before the new sewer rates have been applied. Michelle is not sure how to contact the homeowners to have them pay before the sewer gets turned off. It was suggested to contact Access PEI to see if they have a forwarding address. Michelle will try to see if they will
give out any information. There was also a blockage at 49 Lady Slipper Dr N under the street Ron’s Plumbing was there today and did a video however they were not able to determine what was blocking the pipe. The homeowner had the line replaced from the house to the street about 5 years ago. John Gillis suggested that Michelle contact JC Drilling and have them come out to dig it up. Michelle also asked if the community would pay the plumbing bill as this was the issue of the community John said yes they usually do pay them.
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: nothing to report the lights at the corner and the walking lights have been fixed.
e) Community Improvements: Nothing to report
f) Finance: nothing to report.


MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $29,889.83 is approved.


a) Fall at the Rec Center 2015: At this time Robin Gillis and John Gillis left the meeting due to the conflict of interest.
Council discussed this and decided to call the Lawyer for more information.
At this time John Gillis and Robin Gillis came back into the meeting.

b) Hair Salon on Wilfred St: A letter was sent from a residents wanting to have a hair salon in her home. Council has discussed this and agreed upon the request.

MOTION moved by Ricky Myers seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT the Resident on 16 Wilfred St be allowed to open a Hair Salon in her home as long as section 33 in the Zoning By Laws are followed.

c) Donation: Council has received a letter from Generation XX asking for a donation of $100.00 t support a Miscouche resident who will be attending the Youth Conference on behalf of Generation XX.

MOTION moved by Joan Arsnenault seconded by Pat MacLellan and carried,
THAT a $100.00 donation be given to Generation XX to help fund a Miscouche Resident who will be attending the Youth Conference.

d) Donation to Miscouche consolidated School Band: A letter was read asking for a donation to go towards the Miscouche School 7-9 School Band who will be attending the Music Festival in Halifax in April.

MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT a donation of $500.00 be given to the Miscouche Consolidated School to support their Band trip to Halifax in April.

e) AED Training: council has agreed to be trained on the new AED Machine on February 27th at 7:00 pm.
f) Healthy Eating Program: Council received a letter from Sport PEI asking to use the Rec Center Kitchen to put on a Healthy Eating Program. Council discussed this and agreed only if there was no charge to attend the program and that the people who are putting the program on have their food safety course. Michelle will email them back to make sure there is no cost and they have there courses.
g) Arena Sign: An invoice from Evangeline Recreation Center was received for the Arena Sign this year.

MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the bill for the Arena sign be paid for 2018

11. NEXT MEETING: Budget Meeting on February 20th, 2018 and Information Meeting for the Public for the Budget on March 6th, 2018, and Monthly Meeting on March 13th 2018.