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Community of Miscouche
Monthly Council Meeting
October 10th, 2017
Chairperson Ivan Blanchard called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Ivan Blanchard – Chairperson
John Gillis – Councilor
Robin Gillis- Councilor
Pat MacLellan – Councilor
Ricky Myers- Councilor
Joan Arsenault – Councilor
Michelle Perry- Administrator
Fire Chief Jason Woodbury
2. FIRE DEPT REPORT: Jason gave the following report for the Fire Department:
a) Truck #112 pumper has been repaired and everything works good but because it was retro fitted for the truck there is no warranty but the first 3-4 months. The truck is a 1997 and this truck will be the next truck to be replaced when the time comes for one. Usually the trucks after 20 years they are in need of replacing. Hoping to get another couple of years out of it.
b) Halloween will be spent at the fire hall and the department is looking to get a lunch for the fire fighters and because there is 40 of them they are looking for more than what they got last year.
c) They have 2 new members Matt Palmer and Dylan Foley, they replaced Mitchell Myers who left for another department close to home and Cameron Trowsdale who left to pursue a career in the Coast Guard.
d) There was discipline that was done within the Fire Department with one of the members, a letter was drawn up and they are waiting for the Fire Fighter to sign it then a copy will be given to council.
e) The Christmas party will be December 16th at the Legion and they do not have any fire fighters with 25 years but they do have 2 with 30 years service and they are looking to get some 30 year pins for them, Jason said that he will check with the supplier and get a price.
f) Gym equipment should be arriving next week for upstairs, and all the fire fighters know that it is just for use of the Fire Department members.
g) Judy Gallant Room: Council had named the council room the Judy Gallant room in memory of Judy, and they had invited the family and unveiled it, however the fire department was not invited to this event. John apologize to Jason for this and said it was an oversight, because this was done not long after Judy passed council was trying to keep it low key for the family as they were still grieving.
Council thanked Jason for coming and he left the meeting.
Robert Gallant came in to give the following report:
3.REC CENTER REPORT: Robert stated that the bingo teams are all working out good he had contacted a few new volunteers to join the teams, and he was wanting to know about the volunteer Christmas dinner if it was booked yet. Michelle will contact Claire Gallant to see about the last of November first of December to get the date booked so we can start to get numbers.
Robert has a few events booked for the Rec Center. Women’s Shopping Party booked for October and December with an open bar no minors, The same people were looking to book Flea Markets on Saturday once a month with the proceeds going to the Rec Center. Robert did have some concerns about garbage bein left the contact informed him that there wouldn’t be anything left behind. The rooms upstairs at the Rec Center were dirty from religion classes. A letter will be sent to all organizations that use the Rec Center that all rooms being used will be kept clean. It was advised for Robert to do a walk through upstairs once a month to make sure the bathrooms are clean and the rooms are as well.
Archery and Pistol Shooting will be starting again in November.
Robert asked about cleaning up the lot between the Rec Center and the Steeple View heights sub division, there is a row of brush that needs to be dug up and re landscaped to make the property look better. Robert was advised to get a price from John DesRoches to see about cleaning it up and getting some top soil put in to have it seeded in the spring.
Ivan advised Robert that we are putting some policy in place for the Bar at the Rec Center and once the letter is done for the policy we will make sure that he gets a copy.
Heat Pumps: John asked Robert if he could make sure that all the heat pumps are set to 18 degrees and the thermostats set to about 14 degrees for the winter months.
Walking Club: The seniors that do exercise on Wednesday wanted to know about doing a walking club at the Rec Center once a week. The concern was to let them in on the days that they wanted cause Robert could be working, and the office is not opened in the morning. It was suggested to someone from the walking club pick up the key on Wednesday and bring it back on Thursday. Ivan will meet with the club this Thursday and see what kind of a plan they can come up with to best suit everyone.
Council thanked Robert for coming and he left the meeting.
4. MAINTENANCE REPORT: Sewer flushing was done and the videoing was completed and there are some spots that need to be repaired right away. Corner of Antoinette Dr and Lady Slipper the man hole was done with bricks and they are starting to collapse and they need to be dug out and replaced with rings and the main sewer line from the fire hall is all starting to collapse and needs to be replaced as Monty was advised not to flush the line anymore or the whole thing will fall in. John suggested that they set up a time to watch the video on the lines and make a plan as to what need to be fixed right away set the time for October 17th at 7:00 PM with Ricky, John, Preston, Monty and Ivan and whoever else wants to watch it.
John suggested to get a price from Highways on digging up the highway so that they will know what this will cost when they apply for funding which will be coming available in the spring 2018. John also wanted to know if anyone had to be notified if we start digging up the Trans Canada. Michelle will check with IRAC to see if they can provide us with some information.
The new sidewalk on Kelly there are 50 stones that are cracked and not just surface cracks that will need to be fixed before frost starts to heave them. We have not received a bill for the last part of the sidewalks yet and we have had no response on the last year sidewalk that was under warranty that cracked.
Monty was requesting that a on the sidewalk at the corner of highway and Lady Slipper Dr N that there be a piece of the sidewalk that they join to make cleaning them in the winter easier. Ivan said that he was speaking with MLA Sonny Gallant and he will check with MLA Paula Biggar to see if it is possible to put a turning lane going towards Lady Slipper Dr N so we will put the piece of the sidewalk on hold till we find out if the turning lane is possible.
20 Wilfred St the meter was removed off the house but there is no word on what the bank is doing with the property, which lead to the question if the house is torn down is it possible to build another house as this is an undersized lot. Michelle spoke with IRAC in the planning department and they said that this is really up to the municipality as to whether they will let someone build, he suggested to talk with a building planner to see what the options are.
Cell phone booster has been order and LPTV is waiting for the parts to come in then he will install it.
5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: September 12th, 2017,
MOTION moved by Robin Gillis, seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the minutes of the September 12th, 2017 be approved as presented.
a). By Laws the templates for the Municipalities should be on the web site by the end of the week and Pierre Arsenault from Wellington will help get them created.
b) Property on Main Dr E PID #863290: council has received a letter from the property owners advising that they are interested in selling the property but they have not settled on a price as of yet they are just wondering if the community was interested in purchasing it. An email will be sent back to the property owners advising that the community is interested in this however since where the lagoon are located they would need to be 1000 ft from that so they could only develop half the property so council would like to know what they were thinking on for price.
c) Fire Dues: there has been a lot of discussion about raising the fire dues in the surrounding areas. There is no easy way to find out what the residents pay for the fire dues. This will be table till next meeting to see if the dues will go up.
d) Heat Pumps at fire Hall: John suggested to get Monty and Bobby to set the heat pumps in the seniors room and up stairs as they are not turned to where they should be. Ivan stated that he will take care of them.
a) Fire Dept: Fire Dept 30 year pin for the 2 fire fighters, Robin suggested to wait to see what Jason find from the supplier.
Halloween Night:
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by John Gillis and carried,
THAT the fire department be given $200.00 for Halloween night for pizza for the Fire Fighters
b) Planning Board- Building Permits- No permits
c) Sewer: already discussed
d) Firehall Maintenance & Street Lights: Millar Masonary was over to look at the outside of the Fire hall building where the bricks are coming off the building and water is getting behind and he was suppose to give a price to have it fixed but none was received yet. Also suggested to get a price from Wellington Construction.
Heat pump covers for outside: Ivan will get a quote for the cost of having them just on the top of the heat pumps as there is noting to attach them to on the sides
e) Community Improvements: There was a complaint that the new community flag is to heavy for the pole and it doesn’t move like it should. Going to see cause they are double sided if there be a way to take them apart to make 2 flags. Re-ditching on MacMillan. This was taking care of by Curran & Briggs this summer.
On the corner of Cunningham and Lady Slipper Dr S the culvert is set to high and the water flow needs to be to high before it drains properly there needs to be a catch basin put in. Michelle will contact Highways to have them come out and look at it.
Lines on Kelly Dr: residents were wondering if the lines where going to painted on Kelly Dr. Will get in touch with Sonny gallant to see.
Donnie Gillis Monument: This was discussed in a previous meeting that there should be a monument somewhere at Steeple View Height’s dedicating that sub division to him as it was his idea to have this done. Council is looking at either getting a plaque made for the big rock by the School or having it engraved in the rock. Steeple View Heights in Honor of Donald Gillis, and then having the family for the unveiling. John and Ivan will have a look at the rock to see what they can come up with.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT a monument at Steeple View Height in Honor of Donald Gillis be put in place.
f) Finance: Bills were submitted for wages for the Fire Fighters that had to take the #112 Pumper Truck to and pick up from Leblanc in Moncton, they were for $20.00 an hour. Council suggested to pay that amount this time but going forward it will only be $16.00 an hour.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan, seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT anytime wages are paid out to a Fire Fighter that they are $16.00 an hour.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT the payment of the following bills totaling $34,833.09 is approved.
a) Oil Tank Rec center: John and Ivan will look at it again John thinks that a new fiberglass tank needs to be put in.
b) Scrubber: council has decided not to purchase the scrubber for the Rec Center.
c) Service Truck: there has been some issue with the service truck with no air bags, and it needs a new bumper and Bobby is not comfortable driving it with no air bags. Council has decided to look at this in the new budget for a maintenance vehicle.
d) Congress Mondial Acadian sent a letter for an annual contribution of $500.00 for 2018, this was not what was explained when council met with them back in 2016 there was a 500.00 donation made and under the understanding of council it was a 1 time fee. we will have to look farther into it.
e) Miscouche Consolidated School sent a letter asking for a donation towards the grade 9 school trip to Ottawa. Joan put motion on the floor for $200.00, and some council members did not think that was enough after much discussion.
MOTION moved by Pat Maclellan seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the donation of $500.00 be given to the Miscouche Consolidated School to help with the Grade 9 trip to Ottawa
f) Council received a letter for a Home for Christmas tree lighting ceremony which will take place in the community on December 1st at St John the Baptist Parish this will be in memory of deceased loved ones.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Joan Arsenault and carried,
THAT the donation of $100.00 be given to St John the Baptist Parish for the Home for Christmas fundraiser in memory of all residents of Miscouche who have passed away.
g) Island Junior Hockey League of Evangline sent a letter asking for a $400.00 sweater sponsor which the business name will be displayed on a jersey of a player. Council has decided not to fund this cause.
h) Pat MacLellan and a few parents have contacted the school about the ball diamond as they are looking to fix it up so the kids and adults of the community can play on it. They are looking for a load of gravel to be purchased to get the ground ready.
MOTION moved by John Gillis seconded by Robin Gillis and carried,
THAT the parents can purchase a load of gravel and have the bill sent to the community as this will brings kids and adults back into our community.
i) Rec Center: Bar use a list will complied on the duties of the bartender and how the bar is to be run at the Rec Center this will include being responsible for the stock taking before and after the bar closes and also the bar tender will sign out the key and drop it back off with the stock. The policy list will be compiled and left at the Rec Center.
j) There was thank you read from Frank, Michael & Christa Gallant for the late Judy Gallant
k) There was a letter read from the Royal Canadian Legion that they will be purchasing the AED machine as it was on order.
l) Thank you letter from the Museum for paving the Museum side of the parking lot.
m) Invitation was read from the Museum asking council if they were interested in visiting the exhibit at the Museum for the Miscouche bicentennial
n) Snow Blowing Tender: we have only received 1 tender for the Snow Blowing Contract which is Troy Thibideau and the prices are the same as last year.
MOTION moved by Pat MacLellan seconded by Ricky Myers and carried,
THAT the Snow Blowing Contract be given to Troy Thibideau for $4253.85 a year.
11. NEXT MEETING: November 14th, 2017